there are more than 60 alien races in this milkyway

There are over 60 races in our local Milky Way galaxy. Those being humanoid from Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Lyra, Antares, and many other star systems, planets, and galaxies such as Andromeda. You have to look at the ev...idence instead of plugging your eyes and ears in light of hundreds of military eyewitnesses to extraterrestrial craft, and mental communications as well as physical evidence such as crop circles, downed E.T spacecraft and living and dead E.T. bodies. There are names of over 400 military and intelligence professionals from more than a dozen countries, including pilots, radar operators, astronauts from multiple countries, all who are willing to testify under oath to their experience of an extra terrestrial intelligence interacting with Earth for this entire time, although recently Earth is an a quarantine of non-interference until the governments publicly acknowledge E.T. existence. Spread it.
