the matrix theory

The Matrix itself is an extended metaphor for control of American society. This is not just crazy talk or the stuff of consipiracies? Before making up your mind, read all the posts that turn up here!

First you have to take into account that virtually every news and media organization in America is Jewish owned and heavily Jewish staffed. Newspapers, T V, magazines, even the source's of most of the raw info itself like Reuters and the Associated Press. Couple that with absolute domination by Jews in Hollywood and you can see that they are a serious force in shaping perception in America. Hearts and Minds, Hollywood and News. So with that established, our next post will involve the characters of the movie.

Neo is "The One." Morpheus mentions how there was one way back in time who was the first to awaken others and that the Oracle prophesised there would come another someday. The first one of course was Jesus, making Neo the second coming of Christ, I'm pretty sure everyone figured out that much. And who was Jesus but a man who spoke out against the abuses of Jewish power (The Pharisees) and paid for it with his life.

Morpheus (The God of sleep) goes around awakening people. The term "awakening" has long been associated with people becoming aware of Jewish influence in the world. Morpheus was aware before Neo and not only awakened him but has full faith that he is the one to stand against the power of the Matrix. (Morpheus is possibly John the Baptist).

Morpheus gives Neo the red pill. The red pill brings knowledge to the taker, it reveals the truth of the world and shows the fantasy for what it really is. The red pill is the apple in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve ate the apple they gained the knowledge of good and evil. They were now able to see the world through the eyes of it's creator, and the price of truth was the loss of the comfort the garden brought. The original sin in both The Bible and The Matrix is the same - To question your surroundings. Those who accept what is before them will live happily ever after, but to quest for the truth , this angers the creator of the world as well as the creator of the Matrix.

Trinity (A VERY Christian name) gives total unselfish support to Neo, she is behind him till death with the full force of her love and conviction. Trinity represent's the people. She can also be thought of as the 12 apostles in a more direct Biblical interpretation.
The 3 hero's ride around on a ship called the Nebuchadnezzar in their effort to smash the Matrix and win freedom for the people of earth.

Nebuchadnezzar was a Babylonian King and a hated enemy of the Jewish people. In 587 B.C. he destroyed the Temple of Solomon and forced the Jews out of Jerusalem. Pretty clear the symbolism here I'd say. Notice that the crew on the ship can watch coded line's on a screen and tell what's going on. Because they are aware of the true nature of the Matrix they can look at event's that make no sense to other's and see clearly what is happening.

The Oracle is one of the more interesting analogies. The Oracle is an ancient wisdom that can help you know yourself. She is deep and complex and you can't quite pin her down but you can find the answers your looking for within her, or you can even find the questions. She will tell you exactly what you need to hear at the time. Clearly, The Oracle is The Bible. Later in the trilogy The Architect states how the Oracle was originally programmed by him but now she is on her own and not serving the interests of the Matrix anymore. And as we all know The Bible was originally written by Jews and served their purposes at the time but now is more important to the Christians. You should also note that the Oracle is big on predictions, just like the Bible, at the end she even say's that she thinks we'll see Neo again.

The city of Zion represents the Christian people, or more accurately all those who have taken the red pill and are awakened to the fact that the Matrix controls them all. This was one of the more clever names in the movie because it's meant to mislead. They couldn't just go and call the city Aryana or Goyville, it would have blown the whole thing, so instead in a sly bit of artistic sleight of hand they named the city Zion, the exact opposite of what it was, and thus kept the whole thing from falling apart by the obviousness of it all.

The leader of the opposition in the city of Zion is Councillor Haman! Haman is another of the great enemies of the Jewish people from the Old Testament. In the book of Esther. Haman was persecuting the Jews and planning to kill them when through thier infuence with the king the Jews had him hanged. His death is celebrated every year on Purim by Jews around the world.

So for a brief recap we have a man who is the second coming of Christ riding around in a ship named after one of the great enemies of the Jewish people fighting an opposition war that is led by another of the great enemies of the Jewish people. And what are they opposing? The control of their society by a forceful intelligence who work together to keep them in a falsely constructed world of their own making so that the humans can be exploited. Think about all the complaint's of how biased and controlled our own media and entertainment is, and who's profiting from it.

The Merovingian is one of the easier one's to decipher. He is a wealthy Frenchman who lives in a grand house filled with the great artistic treasure's of Europe, just like the real Merovingian's who are a noble bloodline of great power. For our purposes the Merovingian represent's the old aristocratic families of Europe (the real Merovingian's among them) who have allied themselves with the Matrix and do it's bidding. This is a direct analogy to how the European elites have allied themselves with the mostly Jewish international banking families. In the movie the Merovingian is willing to destroy all who have taken the red pill to keep his position of power in the Matrix, just like the old aristocracy has done in real life.

And at last we have the Architect, a distinguished bearded gentlemen who has designed and controls the whole Matrix. He sits in a control room surrounded by T.V. sets, he is a true media master. The Architect represents the real power among the Jewish people, the International Bankers. The men who indirectly control a lot of the mass media in the western world and who have been implicated in countless conspiracies and revolutions. They truly are the real architects of much of our recent history.

At the climax, the godlike face Neo talks too is not God at all but simply the Architect how he looks outside of the Matrix, where his civilised veneer has been stripped away. The Architect looses his stately appearance and luxurious surroundings when seen outside the Matrix and unable to draw power from the sleeping humans. He lets Neo help him battle the Smith program who is now a direct threat to his power. The agents themselves represent all the Gentiles who serve the interests of the Matrix, think police, FBI, government etc. These are the people always fighting against the awakened ones just like how in real life anyone who finds himself on the wrong side of Jewish power will have to physically deal with the Gentile authorities and not Jews themselves. The Smith program is different though, he is aware of the Matrix, he is an insider who knows what's going on and wants power for himself, he is converting others into thinking like him and becoming a genuine threat.

And when that end comes we see that all the sacrifice, conflict and death has only led to an uneasy truce, with the certainty that the cycle will repeat itself as it always has, with the Architect coming up with ever more clever ways to seal his control. This is a nod to how the Jews have gained control of a country so many times through history only for it all to end in expulsions, bloodshed or war. That is, until the next time. Remember, this scenario has played out countless times through the ages, just go read the Old Testament or the list of Jewish expulsions from European countries.

The Matrix is representative of Jewish power and control and Neo is the Christ like figure who is the one prophesised to oppose it. Just going by the names in the movies alone the simple truth of it can't be denied. No wonder these movies struck such a chord, finally some substance driving an action film, I found myself waiting for the action scene's to end so I could watch some more philosophising, now that's a rare thing. With these movies the Wachowski brothers have created one of the best extended metaphors in the history of storytelling. The Matrix trilogy will go down IN HISTORY as the greatest coded story of it's time.

And to all those who still dont believe, enjoy your blue pill.!!!

(text sourced from )
