"People don't realize what's being orchestrated, here. Let me explain a few things that will scare the shit out of you (and you might want to copy/paste).

Under the 2012 "addendums" to the Presidential Emergency War Powers Act, it is no longer only possible for the President to declare a state of war unilaterally for up to 60 days, without Congressional ratification (as has been the case since inception), BUT, the President can disband any seated governmental organization (such as Congress, the Senate, or the USSC) "for the duration of the Emergency", which means a State of Emergency has to have also been declared.

Are you with me, so far? This means that if a State of Emergency has been declared AND the President invokes Emergency War Powers to declare a State of War, he can then disband Congress, the Senate, and the USSC "for the duration of the emergency".

Due to the USSC decision on the strength of Executive Order (holding force of law UNLESS contravened by Congress or ruled unconstitutional by the USSC), there is then no sitting body to contravene the power of any Executive Order--whatever he declares is now, legitimately and legally, law.

This means he can suspend elections, enact any law he likes simply by decree, even disband arms of government permanently.

Under the NDAA, he then has 3 bodies, two of which aren't directly responsible to any organization directly susceptible to civilian oversight, only to one of the two bodies that can be suspended from active engagement in governance, that are legally entitled to create and employ federal level "paramilitary bodies" (I.E. "police forces") that have the already-endorsed ability to arrest on THEIR suspicion of a person's "potential to be, or support of", terroristic individuals organizations. A suspicion they have no need to justify under law. At which point, they can hold these arrestees "indefinitely, without immediate indictment", which means that, quite literally, based on "because WE say he's a suspect, we can arrest him. Since he hasn't been indicted, he doesn't get his phone call, access to legal representation, or contact with anyone "outside". It also means there is no legal requirement for them to document his arrest, location of detainment, or even basis of suspicion to any body that has to justify itself to the American public..I.E., they can "disappear" a man, with no requirement that ANY form of acknowledgement or recognition of the situation be made available to the public.
The size of these "police forces" (or should we say "gestapo"?) is not limited, under these laws.

Under established law, active, armed military drones, which ARE "military aircraft" under both civilian and military law are permitted to be deployed in US airspace, AND to be used against American civilians--again, based on suspicions that amount to "because we said so".
Which means we have established laws that allow armed military vehicles to be deployed internally, and aimed at US civilians and civilian targets (an act tested by the deployment of the equivalent of a mixed armored battalion (Bradley IFVs and Abrams tanks) in central Boston during the hunt for the bombers, despite their completely inappropriate capabilities, and possession of NO appropriate ones for the circumstances).


Short and sweet: We are now in a situation where;
If a State of Emergency AND a Presidentially declared State of War exist, Congress, the Senate, and the USSC can be disbanded, without such bodies in active session, Executive Order holds force of law, with no organization in place to contravene it, the government can create private "police forces" with the legitimate ability to grab people based on unjustified suspicions, and hold them indefinitely without acknowledgement of having done so, and deploy armed military vehicles and units against American civilians, AND such a state can be maintained for as long as said State of Emergency is maintained, OR until the President issues an Executive Order stating those bodies are permanently disbanded, elections are permanently suspended, and his term of office is as long as HE declares.

ALL perfectly right and legal, under the laws WE have allowed to pass."
