some nice info about quantum physics i found check the part about adhd and albert einstein

Introduction To ''Advance Technical Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics''....!!!!

this text is not mine i did not write it all richts  belong to
 Brandon Jared Michael Keys.
August 9, 2012 at 10:11pm
A Real Working Warp Drive Engine Schematic..!!!! 

World’s First Feasible 
Hyper-Drive Engine 
G/Em² Time/Space 
Warp Drive X.O 
based on michaelm 
When Photons Collide at 90°
Photons are intersecting all around us. Between the stars, through out the galaxy and the cosmos as a whole. Now, its reasonable to assume that a percentage of those photons meet in pairs, on paths of 90°. I see the accumulated effects of these Photon Interference (PI) events, in any given nanosecond, actually "tether" the stars and galaxies into one single Temporal Hyper Grid. We are about to learn how to access to this immense cosmic highway. The effect of a single PI event creates such an incredible torque on the local lattice of the Einstein’s Space/Time continuum exposing Time/Space (the space of time). Instantly, eleven dimensional gravitons are attracted to and interact with the mini warp field. The Graviton Interaction Effect (GIE) creates a mini vortex of dark matter and dark energy fields. Both fields are 90° out of phase with each other, as is electricity and magnetism. Any matter that happens to be within the DM field (70 times the size of the vortex) is pulled into the vortex. And outside of the DE field (25 times the size of the vortex) is pushed aside or away. The DM and DE fields are the signature of Graviton Interactions. The GI effect sets up events for vortex collapse and "repair" of the Space/Time Lattice (S/TL). An energy signature of vortex collapse is a Charged Electro-magnetic Plasma (CEmP) emanating at a 45° angle relative to the path of photon intersection. The "Temporal Wake" left by the pair’s departure, then divides the plasma into two. And both funnel into the temporal wakes, following just behind the photons, about seven inches into their journey. A photon travels about eleven inches in one nanosecond. The whole event happens within a nanosecond. Just behind the intersecting photons is another pair of photons that get caught up with the warp field and are lost in the vortex. The effect of which reduces the amount of light we receive from the universe approximately in half.
The Dynamic Duo Fields
Two Dynamic Warp Fields are initiated within an Electro-magnetic Chamber or bubble, within a vacuum and temperatures near absolute zero. A 90° cone of light emanates from "Full Spectrum Pulse Laser Arrays" (FSPLA) mounted on the lips of three pairs, six (6), Magnetic Dishes. Each set of pulse lasers are aimed towards the center of the chamber, forming a 90° cone of light. The photons must first pass through a horizontally polarized lens (not illustrated), before passing though a "Synthetic Variable Density (SVD) Crystal or Diamond". Incrementally slowing down the photon speed from 1% at the edge, up to 50% towards the center of the crystal. Pairs of photon collide at 90° with its partner 180° across the M Dish. When all six laser arrays are working in concert, they will generate a seven dimensional Graviton/Electro-magnetic (G/Em) Vortex. A sustained vortex generates a Dark Matter field, gravity, which then initiates a Dark Energy field, anti-gravity, 90° out of phase with the DM field. The DE field projects out or away in a linear fashion. Like cosmic rays leaving a star. 
A large vortex will produce weaker fields. Created when all dishes retract to the chamber walls. A smaller vortex is generated when the dishes are telescoped towards the center of the chamber which intensifies the DM and DE fields. A weak field allows a ship to "hover" horizontally within a gravitational well of say a planet. 
A sustained vortex also generates a positive and negative electro magnetic charge expressing itself in the form of a charged plasma stream. The charge is actually a mechanism for a vortex collapse. As long as the vortex exists, so does the "Electro-magnetic Charged Plasma Stream". The charge is attracted via the Plasma Rod and is then directed through a Charged Plasma Stream (CPS) Polarizer. The charged plasma is polarized into positive and negative fields and is then directed to the Em Lateral Tubes. 
The charged Em Plasma is channeled into lateral negative and positive channels called Em Lateral Tubes. Which in turn forms polar magnetic fields north and south inside and outside the G/Em Chamber. They serve to super cool the chamber’s interior. The "tamed" electrical energy is channeled into a series of commercial sized Electro-Storage (ES) Capacitors. Which supply the ship’s electrical power for on board electrical systems and instruments. The Magnetic Dishes "manipulate" the DM and DE fields with magnetically charged fields. 
To engage sub light or impulse speeds of up to 10% the speed of light, polarize the light horizontally (not Illustrated) and spin the magnetic dish closest to the desired direction, say forward... the bow, in a clockwise motion, always relative to the vortex point of view. The spinning magnetic field will have the effect of distorting and widening the space/time lattice in front of the bow. It has the shape of a four dimensional cone and creates an imbalance in the warp field bubble. The imbalance provides movement as the ship finds center. However, the distortion continues the imbalance so the ship "falls" towards, but never finding center. 
The journey continues until the spin of the M Dish and the ship will "coast" to a stop, relative to the environment. The rate of spin determines the size and also the depth of distortion and, therefore, the speed at which the ship falls through the distortion. "Braking", requires the opposite M Dish to spin, again in a clockwise motion relative to the vortex. The faster the spin, the harder the braking force. 
Any combination of M Dish spin speeds can be employed to attain roll, pitch and yah. The DM field can be controlled and manipulated with magnetism. A 1-G gravity fields maintained freeing the ship and crew from any centrifugal forces. The more intense the DM field, the higher the magnetic value must increase, to offset the increased gravity. 
Sub light Two or full impulse is attained by changing the polarization from horizontal to vertical, which increases the ship’s speed by a factor of 25% the speed of light. Top sub light speed is half the speed of light. To brake from these speeds the crew will progressively "down shift" polarized light, first vertical and then into horizontal, while spinning the dish or dishes opposite the direction of movement. 
Debris that may lay between the ship and her destination will appear to follow a path around the distorted space, from the perspective of the ship. From the debris perspective, nothing appears to have happened, it occupies the same space and continues on the same trajectory it held before the encounter. 
Super luminous travel requires a Temporal Intermix. All six M Dishes must spin in unison at equal spin rates of several times a second. Which increases the intensity of the DM and DE fields to hyper intensities. As one of the dishes closest to the desired direction spins faster by several tens of nano seconds, it will have the effect of super or hyper distortion of the fabrics of both Space/Time and Time/Space... the temporal space or three dimensions of time.
A Real Working Warp Drive Engine Schematic..!!!! World’s First Feasible Hyper-Drive Engine G/Em² Time/Space Warp Drive X.O based on michaelm When Photons Collide at 90° Photons are intersecting all around us. Between the stars, through out the galaxy and the cosmos as a whole. Now, its reasonable to assume that a percentage of those photons meet in pairs, on paths of 90°. I see the accumulated effects of these Photon Interference (PI) events, in any given nanosecond, actually "tether" the stars and galaxies into one single Temporal Hyper Grid. We are about to learn how to access to this immense cosmic highway. The effect of a single PI event creates such an incredible torque on the local lattice of the Einstein’s Space/Time continuum exposing Time/Space (the space of time). Instantly, eleven dimensional gravitons are attracted to and interact with the mini warp field. The Graviton Interaction Effect (GIE) creates a mini vortex of dark matter and dark energy fields. Both fields are 90° out of phase with each other, as is electricity and magnetism. Any matter that happens to be within the DM field (70 times the size of the vortex) is pulled into the vortex. And outside of the DE field (25 times the size of the vortex) is pushed aside or away. The DM and DE fields are the signature of Graviton Interactions. The GI effect sets up events for vortex collapse and "repair" of the Space/Time Lattice (S/TL). An energy signature of vortex collapse is a Charged Electro-magnetic Plasma (CEmP) emanating at a 45° angle relative to the path of photon intersection. The "Temporal Wake" left by the pair’s departure, then divides the plasma into two. And both funnel into the temporal wakes, following just behind the photons, about seven inches into their journey. A photon travels about eleven inches in one nanosecond. The whole event happens within a nanosecond. Just behind the intersecting photons is another pair of photons that get caught up with the warp field and are lost in the vortex. The effect of which reduces the amount of light we receive from the universe approximately in half. The Dynamic Duo Fields Two Dynamic Warp Fields are initiated within an Electro-magnetic Chamber or bubble, within a vacuum and temperatures near absolute zero. A 90° cone of light emanates from "Full Spectrum Pulse Laser Arrays" (FSPLA) mounted on the lips of three pairs, six (6), Magnetic Dishes. Each set of pulse lasers are aimed towards the center of the chamber, forming a 90° cone of light. The photons must first pass through a horizontally polarized lens (not illustrated), before passing though a "Synthetic Variable Density (SVD) Crystal or Diamond". Incrementally slowing down the photon speed from 1% at the edge, up to 50% towards the center of the crystal. Pairs of photon collide at 90° with its partner 180° across the M Dish. When all six laser arrays are working in concert, they will generate a seven dimensional Graviton/Electro-magnetic (G/Em) Vortex. A sustained vortex generates a Dark Matter field, gravity, which then initiates a Dark Energy field, anti-gravity, 90° out of phase with the DM field. The DE field projects out or away in a linear fashion. Like cosmic rays leaving a star. A large vortex will produce weaker fields. Created when all dishes retract to the chamber walls. A smaller vortex is generated when the dishes are telescoped towards the center of the chamber which intensifies the DM and DE fields. A weak field allows a ship to "hover" horizontally within a gravitational well of say a planet. A sustained vortex also generates a positive and negative electro magnetic charge expressing itself in the form of a charged plasma stream. The charge is actually a mechanism for a vortex collapse. As long as the vortex exists, so does the "Electro-magnetic Charged Plasma Stream". The charge is attracted via the Plasma Rod and is then directed through a Charged Plasma Stream (CPS) Polarizer. The charged plasma is polarized into positive and negative fields and is then directed to the Em Lateral Tubes. The charged Em Plasma is channeled into lateral negative and positive channels called Em Lateral Tubes. Which in turn forms polar magnetic fields north and south inside and outside the G/Em Chamber. They serve to super cool the chamber’s interior. The "tamed" electrical energy is channeled into a series of commercial sized Electro-Storage (ES) Capacitors. Which supply the ship’s electrical power for on board electrical systems and instruments. The Magnetic Dishes "manipulate" the DM and DE fields with magnetically charged fields. To engage sub light or impulse speeds of up to 10% the speed of light, polarize the light horizontally (not Illustrated) and spin the magnetic dish closest to the desired direction, say forward... the bow, in a clockwise motion, always relative to the vortex point of view. The spinning magnetic field will have the effect of distorting and widening the space/time lattice in front of the bow. It has the shape of a four dimensional cone and creates an imbalance in the warp field bubble. The imbalance provides movement as the ship finds center. However, the distortion continues the imbalance so the ship "falls" towards, but never finding center. The journey continues until the spin of the M Dish and the ship will "coast" to a stop, relative to the environment. The rate of spin determines the size and also the depth of distortion and, therefore, the speed at which the ship falls through the distortion. "Braking", requires the opposite M Dish to spin, again in a clockwise motion relative to the vortex. The faster the spin, the harder the braking force. Any combination of M Dish spin speeds can be employed to attain roll, pitch and yah. The DM field can be controlled and manipulated with magnetism. A 1-G gravity fields maintained freeing the ship and crew from any centrifugal forces. The more intense the DM field, the higher the magnetic value must increase, to offset the increased gravity. Sub light Two or full impulse is attained by changing the polarization from horizontal to vertical, which increases the ship’s speed by a factor of 25% the speed of light. Top sub light speed is half the speed of light. To brake from these speeds the crew will progressively "down shift" polarized light, first vertical and then into horizontal, while spinning the dish or dishes opposite the direction of movement. Debris that may lay between the ship and her destination will appear to follow a path around the distorted space, from the perspective of the ship. From the debris perspective, nothing appears to have happened, it occupies the same space and continues on the same trajectory it held before the encounter. Super luminous travel requires a Temporal Intermix. All six M Dishes must spin in unison at equal spin rates of several times a second. Which increases the intensity of the DM and DE fields to hyper intensities. As one of the dishes closest to the desired direction spins faster by several tens of nano seconds, it will have the effect of super or hyper distortion of the fabrics of both Space/Time and Time/Space... the temporal space or three dimensions of time.


Rodin Coils Alcubierre Production of Energy For Warp Drive Generating Fields ''Warp Bubbles''.
Rodin Coils Alcubierre Production of Energy For Warp Drive Generating Fields ''Warp Bubbles''.

(''I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS WITH EVERYBODY ABOUT THE SITUATION REGARDING THE CURRENT EDUCATION SYSTEM IT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED A BIT MORE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY AND BEYOND'') ----- I am a firm believer that (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') should become a Brand New Curriculum in all and everyone of the ''Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools'' I believe that the. ''Next Generation and All Other Future Generations'' of Children should be able to be Taught (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') Children at a Very Young age while their Minds, Brains are. Still Developing in their Skulls. 

You see I happen to have a More ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The ''Existence of The Universe'' and everything Within It. You see I happen to take from ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The Universe and. What is Possible in This Universe I consider myself to be an ''Explorer of Science, Kabbalah Science, Quantum Mechanics, A Combination of Science & Spirituality, Someone Who Sees Both The Scientific Side and The Spiritual Side to the Quantum Universe. This is what I fallow and what I have chosen to Believe I rely solely On Both Physical Scientific Methods and Total Spiritual Understanding of Our Quantum Universe.

It is people like us who unlike those who do not have ADHD and Autism we could to begin to understand. ''Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, How a Starship Would Work', the Inner-Workings of ''Theoretical Physics'' and such. I am more attuned to. ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' then to ''Older Forms of Boring Mathematics'' that I cannot begin to understand and or to Comprehend. l Lets Just say that I was Diagnosed with ''ADHD'' when I was just 4 and 5 years old back in the year 1988 and 1989 but I do not understand ''Old Forms of Mathematics and Old Forms of Science'' but I have the Ability to Understand ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' but I cannot for the life of me do. ''Basic Mathematical Problems'' in my Head I can only Understand the Brand New Forms of Science that is coming out in the past 5 years. I may have a Disablity in some areas of Learning and Understanding and in some areas of Comprehension but when it comes to certain forms of Science, some forms of Mathamatics and some forms of Physics Related Materials that has just come out these past 5 or 6 years I can understand them a little bit more then Basic Forms of Understanding which makes if very hard for people like myself who have ''ADHD'' -- ''ADHD'' -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I mean with my ''ADHD'' -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder I can only Understand and Comprehend ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' I cannot for the Life of me Understand ''Mainstream Basic Physics and Mainstream Basics Mathematics'' I can only understand what has come out these past 5 and or 6 years in the Scientific Community. ------ I say to every Bully that is in Every Elementary School and Junior High School and to every Mainstream Teacher who are apart of the ''Mainstream Education System''. Do not pick on those who may have ''ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'' because they do not think the way you do they do not see the rest of the world as you do please do not Objectify those who are different from you and put them down. Because someone who has ''ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'' could turn out to be the NEXT ''Albert Einstein'' OR Doctor; Zefram Cochran (''Inventor of The WARP DRIVE ENGINE'') ''Faster Then Light Warp Speed Travel'', For ''Future Starships'' Like On ''Star Trek''. Those who you may put down in your own Pride over others you could be ''Hurting Society Even More'' just please think about it thank you.

I am a firm believer that (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') should become a Brand New Curriculum in all and everyone of the ''Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools'' I believe that the. ''Next Generation and All Other Future Generations'' of Children should be able to be Taught (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') Children at a Very Young age while their Minds, Brains are. Still Developing in their Skulls that their Brains will have the Capacity and the Understanding when it comes to Teaching Them (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics''). I believe the ''Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools'' Middle to Late 21ST Century should add this ''Brand New Form of Science and Engineering'' to the Forefront of Education. Children Have Within Them An Innate Capacity to Learn More While They Are Young and Still Developing Mentally in The Mind and In The Brain and they can most Certainly Learn and be Taught (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics''). Children can Learn anything while they are at that age their Minds and Brains are able to Soke Up alot of Information and this Includes ''Advance Forms of Complex Science and Engineering''. The Problem is that Nobody has ever ''Challenged The Limits of Children's Intelligence'' long enough to see if they are even able to Comprehend anything that they can be Taught. The Mainstream Education System does not think so and basically runs on and go's on an Old Doctrine of Education and Learning and has retained its old forms of Conceptually of ''Childhood Intelligence''.

Michael Faraday's Law of Induction Using A Magnetic Field Around a Electromagnetic Field Coil Using ''James Clerk Maxwell'', (Maxwell's Equations) of Electrodynamics For The Use of Starships. -- In a geomagnetic storm, a surge in the flux of charged particles temporarily alters Earth's magnetic field, which induces electric fields in Earth's atmosphere.
Michael Faraday's Law of Induction Using A Magnetic Field Around a Electromagnetic Field Coil Using ''James Clerk Maxwell'', (Maxwell's Equations) of Electrodynamics For The Use of Starships. -- In a geomagnetic storm, a surge in the flux of charged particles temporarily alters Earth's magnetic field, which induces electric fields in Earth's atmosphere.

The Bioelectromagnetism of The Human Body Organs Using The Principles of Maxwell's Equations and The Principles of Reciprocity.
The Bioelectromagnetism of The Human Body Organs Using The Principles of Maxwell's Equations and The Principles of Reciprocity.

The Human Electromagnetic Force Field and The Electromagnetic Force Field of The Planet Earth.
The Human Electromagnetic Force Field and The Electromagnetic Force Field of The Planet Earth.

There is A Thin Band of Anti-Matter Particles Called Anti-Protons Enveloping Planet Earth Already and Covers The Entire Circumference of The Planet Earth Itself.
There is A Thin Band of Anti-Matter Particles Called Anti-Protons Enveloping Planet Earth Already and Covers The Entire Circumference of The Planet Earth Itself.

The word ''Typical'' = ''Inside The Box'' thinking and does not rely upon the possibility of ''Extra-Dimensional Thought or 4Th Dimensional Thought'' and stays in a ''Confined Space and or Linear 2 Dimensional Thought'' that is lack in Imagination, Innovation, Invention and Creativity. Society tries to make one up for us ''A BOX'' and then they try to put us in it and try to limit us and our Creativity thus limits us to what we can do and what we can achieve it is what others have done that have literally put the ''Shackles of Society and Societal Norms'' on to us and confines us. Society has done nothing for the development of ''True Creativity'' and has done nothing to spire Imagination, Innovation, Invention and Creativity and has squashed every known kind of Invention and has even laugh at those that are seeking a totally different path and have their eye set on something different from the ''NORMAL MAINSTREAM ACCEPTANCE''. Please let us all help on getting us all into Space becuse it is the Final Frontier and is our Ultimate Goal that we all are striving to achive like wise for each and everyone of us on this Planet Earth. This ''INFORMATION'' is to help enlighten and help teach about the good thangs of Space Travel and how it helps Humanity and or Mankind out and to help rise awarness to the facts that Space Travel hase help so many people. I hope anybody joins in within this ''INFORMATION'' and contributes to the ever growing and ever expanding knowledge of the Universe and Space that is around us all. So many accomplishments, goals, to technological to even medical advances have been made do to Space Travel and the on going exploration of knowledge and awarness. Attention Deficit Disorder: Einstein's Secret Weapon Some experts believe that Albert Einstein had adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD). Today, an estimated 7% of adults are affected by ADD. The new book Odd One Out: The Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD by outspoken ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky encourages readers to break the rules and find success and happiness on their own terms. Some experts believe that physics genius and cultural icon Albert Einstein had adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD). He was forgetful, he could never find his keys, and he often seemed oblivious to his surroundings. Not to mention the hair. It's safe to say he didn't fit in with the majority. He was a maverick, and he lived by his own rules.

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

Anti-Hydrogen = ''Anti-Matter'' and ''Anti-Proton'' Particles Have Been Discovered and Created By ''CERN'' The Large Hadron Particle Accelerator Collider. In Fact It Is The Used of The Anti-Hydrogen = ''Anti-Matter'' and ''Anti-Proton'' Particles of Which Can Be Used For ''Warp Drive Technology'' and The Ability For ''Warp Drive Starship Travel'' In The Future When It Comes To Traveling Faster Then The Speed of Light.
Anti-Hydrogen = ''Anti-Matter'' and ''Anti-Proton'' Particles Have Been Discovered and Created By ''CERN'' The Large Hadron Particle Accelerator Collider. In Fact It Is The Used of The Anti-Hydrogen = ''Anti-Matter'' and ''Anti-Proton'' Particles of Which Can Be Used For ''Warp Drive Technology'' and The Ability For ''Warp Drive Starship Travel'' In The Future When It Comes To Traveling Faster Then The Speed of Light.

Heliospheric ''Electromagnetic Current'' Sheet of ''Solar Electromagnetic Activity'' of The Solar Electromagnetic Fields of The Sun.
Heliospheric ''Electromagnetic Current'' Sheet of ''Solar Electromagnetic Activity'' of The Solar Electromagnetic Fields of The Sun.

Red Photon Laser Through A Quartz Crystal and Electrical Arcs on Quartz Crystal Combined With Superheated Plasma For The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Faster Then Light ''Starship Travel''.
Red Photon Laser Through A Quartz Crystal and Electrical Arcs on Quartz Crystal Combined With Superheated Plasma For The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Faster Then Light ''Starship Travel''.

Tachyons Field ''Creates A Warp Bubble'' and Is Produced By The ''Warp Engines of The ''Warp Drive''.
Tachyons Field ''Creates A Warp Bubble'' and Is Produced By The ''Warp Engines of The ''Warp Drive''.

Passing Beam of Concentrated Photons of ''LIGHT'' Through (''Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals'') To Be Able To Produce More Energy and Power.
Passing Beam of Concentrated Photons of ''LIGHT'' Through (''Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals'') To Be Able To Produce More Energy and Power.

The Breakdown -- Navigational Deflector Dish -- and ''Developing The Ship Defense Shields, Defense Shield Technology''
The Breakdown -- Navigational Deflector Dish -- and ''Developing The Ship Defense Shields, Defense Shield Technology''

An artist’s representation of the Neutral Antimatter Trap being worked on by the ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus) -- A team at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, as a container for antihydrogen. CHUKMAN SO. © 2011 WURTELE RESEARCH GROUP PHOTOS
The answer is that they all involve the most powerful energy source in the universe, something so familiar to us from science fiction that I’ve already felt the necessity to reference “Star Trek.” But it is something that really does exist: antimatter.
In their laboratory, the CERN scientists have actually made this exotic stuff, which is the opposite of normal matter and is currently the world’s most expensive form of energy. Last week, a collaboration of scientists, including Yasunori Yamazaki from the University of Tokyo, announced that they had created and trapped atoms of the antimatter form of hydrogen (antihydrogen) — and stored them for more than 15 minutes.
“We’ve trapped antihydrogen atoms for as long as 1,000 seconds, which is forever in the world of high-energy particle physics,” said Joel Fajans of University of California, Berkeley, a member of the ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus) team at CERN, whose results are published in the current issue of the journal Nature Physics.
Why, you might well ask, are these mad scientists making stuff that could destroy the world if it escaped their labs? After all, author Dan Brown had the bad guys in his 2000 best-seller “Angels and Demons” build an antimatter bomb and try to blow up the Vatican. And a thimblefull of the stuff could destroy Tokyo and Yokohama.
For starters, we have rather less than a thimblefull: The ALPHA team made and stored 309 antiatoms of hydrogen.
Sure, this stuff is powerful — with a billion times more calorific energy than rocket fuel. But it’s not so powerful that one tiny slipup could spell the end of the world. In fact, one of the ways the ALPHA scientists detect it is to allow an atom of the stuff to escape and interact with normal matter: They annihilate each other and give off a tiny flash of light. Hardly an explosion to level the Swiss Alps.
Indeed, with current technology, it would take millions of years to create enough antimatter for a weapon that could do any damage. This not only puts the brakes on current bomb-making capability using antimatter, but it is also a serious problem for that application we are familiar with from “Star Trek” — using antimatter to power a starship. But more of that later.
An artist’s representation of the Neutral Antimatter Trap being worked on by the ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus) -- A team at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, as a container for antihydrogen. CHUKMAN SO. © 2011 WURTELE RESEARCH GROUP PHOTOS The answer is that they all involve the most powerful energy source in the universe, something so familiar to us from science fiction that I’ve already felt the necessity to reference “Star Trek.” But it is something that really does exist: antimatter. In their laboratory, the CERN scientists have actually made this exotic stuff, which is the opposite of normal matter and is currently the world’s most expensive form of energy. Last week, a collaboration of scientists, including Yasunori Yamazaki from the University of Tokyo, announced that they had created and trapped atoms of the antimatter form of hydrogen (antihydrogen) — and stored them for more than 15 minutes. “We’ve trapped antihydrogen atoms for as long as 1,000 seconds, which is forever in the world of high-energy particle physics,” said Joel Fajans of University of California, Berkeley, a member of the ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus) team at CERN, whose results are published in the current issue of the journal Nature Physics. Why, you might well ask, are these mad scientists making stuff that could destroy the world if it escaped their labs? After all, author Dan Brown had the bad guys in his 2000 best-seller “Angels and Demons” build an antimatter bomb and try to blow up the Vatican. And a thimblefull of the stuff could destroy Tokyo and Yokohama. For starters, we have rather less than a thimblefull: The ALPHA team made and stored 309 antiatoms of hydrogen. Sure, this stuff is powerful — with a billion times more calorific energy than rocket fuel. But it’s not so powerful that one tiny slipup could spell the end of the world. In fact, one of the ways the ALPHA scientists detect it is to allow an atom of the stuff to escape and interact with normal matter: They annihilate each other and give off a tiny flash of light. Hardly an explosion to level the Swiss Alps. Indeed, with current technology, it would take millions of years to create enough antimatter for a weapon that could do any damage. This not only puts the brakes on current bomb-making capability using antimatter, but it is also a serious problem for that application we are familiar with from “Star Trek” — using antimatter to power a starship. But more of that later.

Photonic Crystals That Uses Light To Transmit Information Far Rapidly Then Regular Copper Computer Computing Photonic Crystals That Uses Light Will Be Used For ''Quantum Computing'' For ''Multi-Dimensional Quantum Computers'' of The Future With Far More Computing and Processing Power.
Photonic Crystals That Uses Light To Transmit Information Far Rapidly Then Regular Copper Computer Computing Photonic Crystals That Uses Light Will Be Used For ''Quantum Computing'' For ''Multi-Dimensional Quantum Computers'' of The Future With Far More Computing and Processing Power.

The Coming ''Human Shift of Quantum Knowledge'' In The Fields of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics'' to that of the fields of Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''::::::::............!!!!!!!!!!

There is going to be a Very Violent shake-up in the near future from now there is going to be a lot of changes taking place within the next 10 years there is going to be a ''Geo-Political and Religious'' shake-up that is going to take place soon within these next 5 years. Both ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' know that their time is up and they are seriously running out of time they know that there is going to be a lot of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' that is going to take place soon. There is going to be Chaos and utter turmoil that is going to follow soon afterwards that is why many ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' are going to speed up their activities and will try to to fulfill their. ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' religious faith based ''Prophetic Prophecies'' to ensure the ''Ultimate Survival'' of their. ''Mainstream Institutions of Complete Control'' there have been ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar Systems of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found to even the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. 

They know that their end is approaching fast and the only people that the end of time and the end of the world Prophecies that have have been talked about are people who are of the ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' religious faith of their. ''Mainstream Institutions of Complete Control''. So they are going to work together to make sure that they provide each step towards a ''Nuclear World War III'' so that they may be able to ''Bring Down The Rest of The World'' with them because they know that their end is coming so everybody from the. ''Mainstream of Religious and Geo-Political Beliefs'' from ''Christianity, Judaism and Islam'' they will ''Hold World Wide Meetings'' in order to assure their ''Religious Serivial'' through a ''World Wide Thermal Nuclear World War III''. So people of ''World Based Geo-Political Governments and People of Mainstream Religious Faith'' ranging from ''Christianity, Judaism and Islam'' to assure that there is a ''WORLD WAR III'' to be able to bring down the rest of the ''World'' down with them.

They know that the only end that is coming is their own and nobody else's either that is why they are trying to speed up their ''Religious Based Prophecies'' in order to keep the rest of the world from being involved in things like. ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' that is going to take place soon to things like ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar Systems of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found to even the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. To the possibility that there is going to be the eventual end of ''Superstition and Mainstream Religious Dogma'' that will fall by the way side including the fall of every ''Communist, Socialist and the Eventual fall of Totalitarian Governments''. They too will fall and you see they know that the ''Whole Wide World'' is drastically going to looks a whole lot differently within the NEXT 20 YEARS from now and they are running scared and they do not like what they see so they too know that their time is coming and is running out.

But they ''THE MAINSTREAMERS of SOCIETY'' will ultimately loos to what is coming in the fields of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' to that of the fields of Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. They themselves will not be able to fight and ot to push back the tides of change that is coming and there is going to be a very massive and very huge shift of ''Human Consciousness'' taking place very soon and there is going to be a lot of the ''Break Up'' of the ''Mainstream of Government and Religious Institutions'' coming very soon. To the Big Scientific Discovery out of ''Switzerland'' at the ''CERN'' facility and the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY'' and the possibility of. ''Faster Then Light Travel'' and the Possibilities that we are not alone in the universe and the fact is that ''There Are Many ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar System of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found by ''Radio Telescope Astronomers.
The Coming ''Human Shift of Quantum Knowledge'' In The Fields of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics'' to that of the fields of Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''::::::::............!!!!!!!!!! There is going to be a Very Violent shake-up in the near future from now there is going to be a lot of changes taking place within the next 10 years there is going to be a ''Geo-Political and Religious'' shake-up that is going to take place soon within these next 5 years. Both ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' know that their time is up and they are seriously running out of time they know that there is going to be a lot of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' that is going to take place soon. There is going to be Chaos and utter turmoil that is going to follow soon afterwards that is why many ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' are going to speed up their activities and will try to to fulfill their. ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' religious faith based ''Prophetic Prophecies'' to ensure the ''Ultimate Survival'' of their. ''Mainstream Institutions of Complete Control'' there have been ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar Systems of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found to even the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. They know that their end is approaching fast and the only people that the end of time and the end of the world Prophecies that have have been talked about are people who are of the ''Geo-Political Governments and Geo-Religious Institutions'' religious faith of their. ''Mainstream Institutions of Complete Control''. So they are going to work together to make sure that they provide each step towards a ''Nuclear World War III'' so that they may be able to ''Bring Down The Rest of The World'' with them because they know that their end is coming so everybody from the. ''Mainstream of Religious and Geo-Political Beliefs'' from ''Christianity, Judaism and Islam'' they will ''Hold World Wide Meetings'' in order to assure their ''Religious Serivial'' through a ''World Wide Thermal Nuclear World War III''. So people of ''World Based Geo-Political Governments and People of Mainstream Religious Faith'' ranging from ''Christianity, Judaism and Islam'' to assure that there is a ''WORLD WAR III'' to be able to bring down the rest of the ''World'' down with them. They know that the only end that is coming is their own and nobody else's either that is why they are trying to speed up their ''Religious Based Prophecies'' in order to keep the rest of the world from being involved in things like. ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' that is going to take place soon to things like ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar Systems of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found to even the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. To the possibility that there is going to be the eventual end of ''Superstition and Mainstream Religious Dogma'' that will fall by the way side including the fall of every ''Communist, Socialist and the Eventual fall of Totalitarian Governments''. They too will fall and you see they know that the ''Whole Wide World'' is drastically going to looks a whole lot differently within the NEXT 20 YEARS from now and they are running scared and they do not like what they see so they too know that their time is coming and is running out. But they ''THE MAINSTREAMERS of SOCIETY'' will ultimately loos to what is coming in the fields of ''Scientific, Astronomical, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics and Archaeological Discoveries'' to that of the fields of Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY''. They themselves will not be able to fight and ot to push back the tides of change that is coming and there is going to be a very massive and very huge shift of ''Human Consciousness'' taking place very soon and there is going to be a lot of the ''Break Up'' of the ''Mainstream of Government and Religious Institutions'' coming very soon. To the Big Scientific Discovery out of ''Switzerland'' at the ''CERN'' facility and the Discovery of the ''Higgs Boson Particle'' at ''CERN'' and the rise of the ''Scientific Knowledge of ''WARP DRIVE TECHNOLOGY'' and the possibility of. ''Faster Then Light Travel'' and the Possibilities that we are not alone in the universe and the fact is that ''There Are Many ''Exo-Planetary Solar Systems'' beyond our own Solar System of Alien and Extraterrestrial Planets that have been found by ''Radio Telescope Astronomers.

The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements ''Levels of Consciousness'' of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics'' Evolution of The Consciousness.
The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements ''Levels of Consciousness'' of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics'' Evolution of The Consciousness.

In an antihydrogen atom (top), a positively charged antielectron, or positron, orbits a negatively charged antiproton — the mirror image of an ordinary hydrogen atom (bottom). -- Antiatoms: In an antihydrogen atom (top), a positively charged antielectron, or positron, orbits a negatively charged antiproton — the mirror image of an ordinary hydrogen atom (bottom).
“That means that humans, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy — everything made of matter — would not have existed,” Fujiwara said.
So how do they capture and store this almost-mythical stuff?
Hydrogen — the simplest of all the elements — comprises a proton and an electron, so antihydrogen is made from the opposite ingredients: an antiproton and a positron (an antielectron). Hence those scientists in Switzerland mix positrons with antiprotons from CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator in a vacuum chamber, where they combine into antihydrogen atoms. These precious atoms of antimatter are then held in a kind of magnetic bottle, chilled to more than 272 degrees below zero.
Certainly it’s a breakthrough to be able to store this stuff at all, but we are still very far from being able to make enough of it to use in a starship’s engines.
Antimatter is made when matter is smashed together in a particle collider, but these atom-smashers, such as the Large Hadron Colllider at CERN, are not designed specifically to make antimatter. Perhaps if there were commercial antimatter colliders, it would be cheaper to make the stuff.
In the meantime, there are naturally occurring sources. Around both the Earth and Jupiter, there are belts of radioactive plasma that contain antimatter. Earth’s is called the Van Allen Belt, and it could theoretically be a source of antimatter.
The stuff in the Van Allen Belt is created in a similar way to CERN’s method. It’s like a scaled-up particle collider, one that’s formed when cosmic rays from outer space smash into the Earth’s atmosphere. There may also be antimatter elsewhere in the universe, and a detector, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, has just been delivered to the International Space Station to look for it — on the last flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavour that ended on June 1.
In the “Star Trek” universe, Google tells me that antimatter engines were invented in 2063, but it’s hard to see us being able to produce enough to power a starship by then. Unless, that is, we manage to detect a meteor made of the stuff . . .
Follow Rowan Hooper @rowhoop on Twitter. The second volume of Natural Selections columns translated into Japanese is published by Shinchosha at ¥1,500. The title is “Hito wa Ima mo Shinka Shiteru (The Evolving Human).”
In an antihydrogen atom (top), a positively charged antielectron, or positron, orbits a negatively charged antiproton — the mirror image of an ordinary hydrogen atom (bottom). -- Antiatoms: In an antihydrogen atom (top), a positively charged antielectron, or positron, orbits a negatively charged antiproton — the mirror image of an ordinary hydrogen atom (bottom). “That means that humans, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy — everything made of matter — would not have existed,” Fujiwara said. So how do they capture and store this almost-mythical stuff? Hydrogen — the simplest of all the elements — comprises a proton and an electron, so antihydrogen is made from the opposite ingredients: an antiproton and a positron (an antielectron). Hence those scientists in Switzerland mix positrons with antiprotons from CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator in a vacuum chamber, where they combine into antihydrogen atoms. These precious atoms of antimatter are then held in a kind of magnetic bottle, chilled to more than 272 degrees below zero. Certainly it’s a breakthrough to be able to store this stuff at all, but we are still very far from being able to make enough of it to use in a starship’s engines. Antimatter is made when matter is smashed together in a particle collider, but these atom-smashers, such as the Large Hadron Colllider at CERN, are not designed specifically to make antimatter. Perhaps if there were commercial antimatter colliders, it would be cheaper to make the stuff. In the meantime, there are naturally occurring sources. Around both the Earth and Jupiter, there are belts of radioactive plasma that contain antimatter. Earth’s is called the Van Allen Belt, and it could theoretically be a source of antimatter. The stuff in the Van Allen Belt is created in a similar way to CERN’s method. It’s like a scaled-up particle collider, one that’s formed when cosmic rays from outer space smash into the Earth’s atmosphere. There may also be antimatter elsewhere in the universe, and a detector, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, has just been delivered to the International Space Station to look for it — on the last flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavour that ended on June 1. In the “Star Trek” universe, Google tells me that antimatter engines were invented in 2063, but it’s hard to see us being able to produce enough to power a starship by then. Unless, that is, we manage to detect a meteor made of the stuff . . . Follow Rowan Hooper @rowhoop on Twitter. The second volume of Natural Selections columns translated into Japanese is published by Shinchosha at ¥1,500. The title is “Hito wa Ima mo Shinka Shiteru (The Evolving Human).”

Photons must first pass through a horizontally polarized lense (not illustrated) & into a "Synthetic Variable Density Crystal or Diamond" (SVD Crystal). Which incrementally alters the speed of photons and serves to sharpen or focuse light. Effectively increasing or decreasing Vortex intensities by moving the G/Em Crystal away or towards the Vortex. The very edge of the cystal has the least density, slowing light by only 1%. As light is directed towards the center by lowering the SVDC, it incrementally slows laser light from 50% to as much as 98% or more.
Photons must first pass through a horizontally polarized lense (not illustrated) & into a "Synthetic Variable Density Crystal or Diamond" (SVD Crystal). Which incrementally alters the speed of photons and serves to sharpen or focuse light. Effectively increasing or decreasing Vortex intensities by moving the G/Em Crystal away or towards the Vortex. The very edge of the cystal has the least density, slowing light by only 1%. As light is directed towards the center by lowering the SVDC, it incrementally slows laser light from 50% to as much as 98% or more.

Quantum ''Electromagnetic'' (''Plasma Charged'') Tachyons and Quantum ''Electromagnetic'' (''Plasma Charged'') Neutrinos Subspace Energy Source Out of A ''Electromagnetically Charged Plasma Field'' of Tachyons and Neutrinos.
Quantum ''Electromagnetic'' (''Plasma Charged'') Tachyons and Quantum ''Electromagnetic'' (''Plasma Charged'') Neutrinos Subspace Energy Source Out of A ''Electromagnetically Charged Plasma Field'' of Tachyons and Neutrinos.

Physics of The Impossible ''By; Dr. Michio Kaku'' -- A fascinating exploration of the science of the impossible—from death rays and force fields to invisibility cloaks—revealing to what extent such technologies might be achievable decades or millennia into the future.

One hundred years ago, scientists would have said that lasers, televisions, and the atomic bomb were beyond the realm of physical possibility. In Physics of the Impossible, the renowned physicist Michio Kaku explores to what extent the technologies and devices of science fiction that are deemed equally impossible today might well become commonplace in the future. 

From teleportation to telekinesis, Kaku uses the world of science fiction to explore the fundamentals—and the limits—of the laws of physics as we know them today. He ranks the impossible technologies by categories—Class I, II, and III, depending on when they might be achieved, within the next century, millennia, or perhaps never. In a compelling and thought-provoking narrative, he explains:
· How the science of optics and electromagnetism may one day enable us to bend light around an object, like a stream flowing around a boulder, making the object invisible to observers “downstream”
· How ramjet rockets, laser sails, antimatter engines, and nanorockets may one day take us to the nearby stars
· How telepathy and psychokinesis, once considered pseudoscience, may one day be possible using advances in MRI, computers, superconductivity, and nanotechnology
· Why a time machine is apparently consistent with the known laws of quantum physics, although it would take an unbelievably advanced civilization to actually build one
Kaku uses his discussion of each technology as a jumping-off point to explain the science behind it. An extraordinary scientific adventure, Physics of the Impossible takes readers on an unforgettable, mesmerizing journey into the world of science that both enlightens and entertains.

From Publishers Weekly
In this latest effort to popularize the sciences, City University of New York professor and media star Kaku (Hyperspace) ponders topics that many people regard as impossible, ranging from psychokinesis and telepathy to time travel and teleportation. His Class I impossibilities include force fields, telepathy and antiuniverses, which don't violate the known laws of science and may become realities in the next century. Those in Class II await realization farther in the future and include faster-than-light travel and discovery of parallel universes. Kaku discusses only perpetual motion machines and precognition in Class III, things that aren't possible according to our current understanding of science. He explains how what many consider to be flights of fancy are being made tangible by recent scientific discoveries ranging from rudimentary advances in teleportation to the creation of small quantities of antimatter and transmissions faster than the speed of light. Science and science fiction buffs can easily follow Kaku's explanations as he shows that in the wonderful worlds of science, impossible things are happening every day. (Mar. 11) 
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Bookmarks Magazine
Kaku (Parallel Worlds, Beyond Einstein, Hyperspace) introduces complex theories of physics to general readers. As The Economist notes, Kaku "makes a good stab at explaining difficult physics. But his grasp of his subject is perhaps trumped by his knowledge of science fiction." While Kaku writes in language designed to captivate nonscience readers, it's his references to pop culture—Star Trek to Terminator 3—that clarify his fringe physics. (Those wishing to explore the topic further can refer to Kaku's detailed footnotes.) To critics' delight, Kaku also investigates the moral issues of futuristic technology that SF does so well and asks provoking questions about the fate of humankind. The only complaints? Kaku omits a few obvious SF parallels, and, more seriously, readers who don't enjoy that genre may find less of interest here.
Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc.

"The study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas for science, Kaku rightly points out. It is here that the book's strength lies: the impossible is a gateway for discussing what we still do not understand, those gray areas that are surely the most fascinating part of physics.....there is a surprising amount of heavyweight, cutting-edge science woven into the fabric of this book. String theory, dark energy, metamaterials and quantum theory are just a few topics - PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE is, in fact, an easy-to-read physics primer in disguise. Kaku has huge reach as a writer and speaker. Hopefully, his acessible, entertaining, and inspiring book will set the next Einstein on his or her path to glory."
-The New Scientist 

"Michio Kaku's latest book, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, aims to explain exactly why some visions of the future may eventually realized while others are likely to remain beyond the bounds of possibility...Science fiction often explores such questions; science falls silent at this point. Mr. Kaku's work helps to fill a void."
-The Economist

"Kaku encourages us to take seriously ideas the world's great intellects consider crazy, reminding us that these same powerful minds sometimes wonder whether such way-out theories and models of the universe are crazy enough to be true."
-The Seattle Times. 

"An invigorating experience"
-THe Christian Science Monitor

"A genuine tour de force, skillfully delivering cogent descriptions of everything from subatomic structure to the laws of the universe."
-Kirkus (starred review)

“Science and science fiction buffs can easily follow Kaku’s explanations as he shows that in the 
wonderful worlds of science, impossible things are happening every day.” —Publishers Weekly 

"Tour de force of science and imagination."
- LIbrary Journal (starred review)
"A fascinating exploration of the interface between science and science fiction, extremely well researched, lively, and tremendously entertaining. – Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics and The Science of Leonardo


“A wonderful tour, with an expert guide, of a cosmos whose comprehension forces us to stretch to the very limits of imagination.” —Brian Greene, author of The Fabric of the Cosmos

“A highly readable and exhilarating romp through the frontiers of cosmology.” 
—Martin Rees, author of Our Cosmic Habitat and Our Final Century 

“A roller-coaster ride through the universe—and beyond—by one of the world’s finest science writers.” —Paul Davies, Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Macquarie University, Sydney, and author of How to Build a Time Machine


“One of the best popular accounts of higher physics.” —Jim Holt, Wall Street Journal

“Among the best of the genre to appear in recent years . . . What a wonderful adventure it is.” —New York Times Book Review

“Mesmerizing . . . the reader exits dizzy, elated, and looking at the world in a literally revolutionary way.” —Washington Post Book World
About the Author
MICHIO KAKU is the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the cofounder of string field theory. He has written several books, including Parallel Worlds and Beyond Einstein, and his bestseller, Hyperspace, was voted one of the best science books of the year by the New York Times and the Washington Post. He is a frequent guest on national TV, and his nationally syndicated radio program is heard in 130 cities. He lives in New York City.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

I. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

II. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

III. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


"Shields up!"

In countless Star Trek episodes this is the first order that Captain Kirk barks out to the crew, raising the force fields to protect the starship Enterprise against enemy fire.

So vital are force fields in Star Trek that the tide of the battle can be measured by how the force field is holding up. Whenever power is drained from the force fields, the Enterprise suffers more and more damaging blows to its hull, until finally surrender is inevitable.

So what is a force field? In science fiction it's deceptively simple: a thin, invisible yet impenetrable barrier able to deflect lasers and rockets alike. At first glance a force field looks so easy that its creation as a battlefield shield seems imminent. One expects that any day some enterprising inventor will announce the discovery of a defensive force field. But the truth is far more complicated.

In the same way that Edison's lightbulb revolutionized modern civilization, a force field could profoundly affect every aspect of our lives. The military could use force fields to become invulnerable, creating an impenetrable shield against enemy missiles and bullets. Bridges, superhighways, and roads could in theory be built by simply pressing a button. Entire cities could sprout instantly in the desert, with skyscrapers made entirely of force fields. Force fields erected over cities could enable their inhabitants to modify the effects of their weather-high winds, blizzards, tornados-at will. Cities could be built under the oceans within the safe canopy of a force field. Glass, steel, and mortar could be entirely replaced.

Yet oddly enough a force field is perhaps one of the most difficult devices to create in the laboratory. In fact, some physicists believe it might actually be impossible, without modifying its properties.

Michael Faraday

The concept of force fields originates from the work of the great nineteenth-century British scientist Michael Faraday.

Faraday was born to working-class parents (his father was a blacksmith) and eked out a meager existence as an apprentice bookbinder in the early 1800s. The young Faraday was fascinated by the enormous breakthroughs in uncovering the mysterious properties of two new forces: electricity and magnetism. Faraday devoured all he could concerning these topics and attended lectures by Professor Humphrey Davy of the Royal Institution in London.

One day Professor Davy severely damaged his eyes in a chemical accident and hired Faraday to be his secretary. Faraday slowly began to win the confidence of the scientists at the Royal Institution and was allowed to conduct important experiments of his own, although he was often slighted. Over the years Professor Davy grew increasingly jealous of the brilliance shown by his young assistant, who was a rising star in experimental circles, eventually eclipsing Davy's own fame. After Davy died in 1829 Faraday was free to make a series of stunning breakthroughs that led to the creation of generators that would energize entire cities and change the course of world civilization.

The key to Faraday's greatest discoveries was his "force fields." If one places iron filings over a magnet, one finds that the iron filings create a spiderweb-like pattern that fills up all of space. These are Faraday's lines of force, which graphically describe how the force fields of electricity and magnetism permeate space. If one graphs the magnetic fields of the Earth, for example, one finds that the lines emanate from the north polar region and then fall back to the Earth in the south polar region. Similarly, if one were to graph the electric field lines of a lightning rod in a thunderstorm, one would find that the lines of force concentrate at the tip of the lightning rod. Empty space, to Faraday, was not empty at all, but was filled with lines of force that could make distant objects move. (Because of Faraday's poverty-stricken youth, he was illiterate in mathematics, and as a consequence his notebooks are full not of equations but of hand-drawn diagrams of these lines of force. Ironically, his lack of mathematical training led him to create the beautiful diagrams of lines of force that now can be found in any physics textbook. In science a physical picture is often more important than the mathematics used to describe it.)

Historians have speculated on how Faraday was led to his discovery of force fields, one of the most important concepts in all of science. In fact, the sum total of all modern physics is written in the language of Faraday's fields. In 1831, he made the key breakthrough regarding force fields that changed civilization forever. One day, he was moving a child's magnet over a coil of wire and he noticed that he was able to generate an electric current in the wire, without ever touching it. This meant that a magnet's invisible field could push electrons in a wire across empty space, creating a current.

Faraday's "force fields," which were previously thought to be useless, idle doodlings, were real, material forces that could move objects and generate power. Today the light that you are using to read this page is probably energized by Faraday's discovery about electromagnetism. A spinning magnet creates a force field that pushes the electrons in a wire, causing them to move in an electrical current. This electricity in the wire can then be used to light up a lightbulb. This same principle is used to generate electricity to power the cities of the world. Water flowing across a dam, for example, causes a huge magnet in a turbine to spin, which then pushes the electrons in a wire, forming an electric current that is sent across high-voltage wires into our homes.

In other words, the force fields of Michael Faraday are the forces that drive modern civilization, from electric bulldozers to today's computers, Internet, and iPods.

Faraday's force fields have been an inspiration for physicists for a century and a half. Einstein was so inspired by them that he wrote his theory of gravity in terms of force fields. I, too, was inspired by Faraday's work. Years ago I successfully wrote the theory of strings in terms of the force fields of Faraday, thereby founding string field theory. In physics when someone says, "He thinks like a line of force," it is meant as a great compliment.

The Four Forces

Over the last two thousand years one of the crowning achievements of physics has been the isolation and identification of the four forces that rule the universe. All of them can be described in the language of fields introduced by Faraday. Unfortunately, however, none of them has quite the properties of the force fields described in most science fiction. These forces are

1. Gravity, the silent force that keeps our feet on the ground, prevents the Earth and the stars from disintegrating, and holds the solar system and galaxy together. Without gravity, we would be flung off the Earth into space at the rate of 1,000 miles per hour by the spinning planet. The problem is that gravity has precisely the opposite properties of a force field found in science fiction. Gravity is attractive, not repulsive; is extremely weak, relatively speaking; and works over enormous, astronomical distances. In other words, it is almost the opposite of the flat, thin, impenetrable barrier that one reads about in science fiction or one sees in science fiction movies. For example, it takes the entire planet Earth to attract a feather to the floor, but we can counteract Earth's gravity by lifting the feather with a finger. The action of our finger can counteract the gravity of an entire planet that weighs over six trillion trillion kilograms.

2. Electromagnetism (EM), the force that lights up our cities. Lasers, radio, TV, modern electronics, computers, the Internet, electricity, magnetism-all are consequences of the electromagnetic force. It is perhaps the most useful force ever harnessed by humans. Unlike gravity, it can be both attractive and repulsive. However, there are several reasons that it is unsuitable as a force field. First, it can be easily neutralized. Plastics and other insulators, for example, can easily penetrate a powerful electric or magnetic field. A piece of plastic thrown in a magnetic field would pass right through. Second, electromagnetism acts over large distances and cannot easily be focused onto a plane. The laws of the EM force are described by James Clerk Maxwell's equations, and these equations do not seem to admit force fields as solutions.

3 & 4. The weak and strong nuclear forces. The weak force is the force of radioactive decay. It is the force that heats up the center of the Earth, which is radioactive. It is the force behind volcanoes, earthquakes, and continental drift. The strong force holds the nucleus of the atom together. The energy of the sun and the stars originates from the nuclear force, which is responsible for lighting up the universe. The problem is that the nuclear force is a short-range force, acting mainly over the distance of a nucleus. Because it is so bound to the properties of nuclei, it is extremely hard to manipulate. At present the only ways we have of manipulating this force are to blow subatomic particles apart in atom smashers or to detonate atomic bombs.

Although the force fields used in science fiction may not conform to the known laws of physics, there are still loopholes that might make the creation of such a force field possible. First, there may be a fifth force, still unseen in the laboratory.
Physics of The Impossible ''By; Dr. Michio Kaku'' -- A fascinating exploration of the science of the impossible—from death rays and force fields to invisibility cloaks—revealing to what extent such technologies might be achievable decades or millennia into the future. One hundred years ago, scientists would have said that lasers, televisions, and the atomic bomb were beyond the realm of physical possibility. In Physics of the Impossible, the renowned physicist Michio Kaku explores to what extent the technologies and devices of science fiction that are deemed equally impossible today might well become commonplace in the future. From teleportation to telekinesis, Kaku uses the world of science fiction to explore the fundamentals—and the limits—of the laws of physics as we know them today. He ranks the impossible technologies by categories—Class I, II, and III, depending on when they might be achieved, within the next century, millennia, or perhaps never. In a compelling and thought-provoking narrative, he explains: · How the science of optics and electromagnetism may one day enable us to bend light around an object, like a stream flowing around a boulder, making the object invisible to observers “downstream” · How ramjet rockets, laser sails, antimatter engines, and nanorockets may one day take us to the nearby stars · How telepathy and psychokinesis, once considered pseudoscience, may one day be possible using advances in MRI, computers, superconductivity, and nanotechnology · Why a time machine is apparently consistent with the known laws of quantum physics, although it would take an unbelievably advanced civilization to actually build one Kaku uses his discussion of each technology as a jumping-off point to explain the science behind it. An extraordinary scientific adventure, Physics of the Impossible takes readers on an unforgettable, mesmerizing journey into the world of science that both enlightens and entertains. From Publishers Weekly In this latest effort to popularize the sciences, City University of New York professor and media star Kaku (Hyperspace) ponders topics that many people regard as impossible, ranging from psychokinesis and telepathy to time travel and teleportation. His Class I impossibilities include force fields, telepathy and antiuniverses, which don't violate the known laws of science and may become realities in the next century. Those in Class II await realization farther in the future and include faster-than-light travel and discovery of parallel universes. Kaku discusses only perpetual motion machines and precognition in Class III, things that aren't possible according to our current understanding of science. He explains how what many consider to be flights of fancy are being made tangible by recent scientific discoveries ranging from rudimentary advances in teleportation to the creation of small quantities of antimatter and transmissions faster than the speed of light. Science and science fiction buffs can easily follow Kaku's explanations as he shows that in the wonderful worlds of science, impossible things are happening every day. (Mar. 11) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Bookmarks Magazine Kaku (Parallel Worlds, Beyond Einstein, Hyperspace) introduces complex theories of physics to general readers. As The Economist notes, Kaku "makes a good stab at explaining difficult physics. But his grasp of his subject is perhaps trumped by his knowledge of science fiction." While Kaku writes in language designed to captivate nonscience readers, it's his references to pop culture—Star Trek to Terminator 3—that clarify his fringe physics. (Those wishing to explore the topic further can refer to Kaku's detailed footnotes.) To critics' delight, Kaku also investigates the moral issues of futuristic technology that SF does so well and asks provoking questions about the fate of humankind. The only complaints? Kaku omits a few obvious SF parallels, and, more seriously, readers who don't enjoy that genre may find less of interest here. Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc. Review PRAISE FOR PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE "The study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas for science, Kaku rightly points out. It is here that the book's strength lies: the impossible is a gateway for discussing what we still do not understand, those gray areas that are surely the most fascinating part of physics.....there is a surprising amount of heavyweight, cutting-edge science woven into the fabric of this book. String theory, dark energy, metamaterials and quantum theory are just a few topics - PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE is, in fact, an easy-to-read physics primer in disguise. Kaku has huge reach as a writer and speaker. Hopefully, his acessible, entertaining, and inspiring book will set the next Einstein on his or her path to glory." -The New Scientist "Michio Kaku's latest book, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, aims to explain exactly why some visions of the future may eventually realized while others are likely to remain beyond the bounds of possibility...Science fiction often explores such questions; science falls silent at this point. Mr. Kaku's work helps to fill a void." -The Economist "Kaku encourages us to take seriously ideas the world's great intellects consider crazy, reminding us that these same powerful minds sometimes wonder whether such way-out theories and models of the universe are crazy enough to be true." -The Seattle Times. "An invigorating experience" -THe Christian Science Monitor "A genuine tour de force, skillfully delivering cogent descriptions of everything from subatomic structure to the laws of the universe." -Kirkus (starred review) “Science and science fiction buffs can easily follow Kaku’s explanations as he shows that in the wonderful worlds of science, impossible things are happening every day.” —Publishers Weekly "Tour de force of science and imagination." - LIbrary Journal (starred review) "A fascinating exploration of the interface between science and science fiction, extremely well researched, lively, and tremendously entertaining. – Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics and The Science of Leonardo CRITICAL ACCLAIM FOR PARALLEL WORLDS “A wonderful tour, with an expert guide, of a cosmos whose comprehension forces us to stretch to the very limits of imagination.” —Brian Greene, author of The Fabric of the Cosmos “A highly readable and exhilarating romp through the frontiers of cosmology.” —Martin Rees, author of Our Cosmic Habitat and Our Final Century “A roller-coaster ride through the universe—and beyond—by one of the world’s finest science writers.” —Paul Davies, Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Macquarie University, Sydney, and author of How to Build a Time Machine CRITICAL ACCLAIM FOR HYPERSPACE “One of the best popular accounts of higher physics.” —Jim Holt, Wall Street Journal “Among the best of the genre to appear in recent years . . . What a wonderful adventure it is.” —New York Times Book Review “Mesmerizing . . . the reader exits dizzy, elated, and looking at the world in a literally revolutionary way.” —Washington Post Book World About the Author MICHIO KAKU is the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the cofounder of string field theory. He has written several books, including Parallel Worlds and Beyond Einstein, and his bestseller, Hyperspace, was voted one of the best science books of the year by the New York Times and the Washington Post. He is a frequent guest on national TV, and his nationally syndicated radio program is heard in 130 cities. He lives in New York City. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. 1: FORCE FIELDS I. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. II. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. III. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -ARTHUR C. CLARKE'S THREE LAWS "Shields up!" In countless Star Trek episodes this is the first order that Captain Kirk barks out to the crew, raising the force fields to protect the starship Enterprise against enemy fire. So vital are force fields in Star Trek that the tide of the battle can be measured by how the force field is holding up. Whenever power is drained from the force fields, the Enterprise suffers more and more damaging blows to its hull, until finally surrender is inevitable. So what is a force field? In science fiction it's deceptively simple: a thin, invisible yet impenetrable barrier able to deflect lasers and rockets alike. At first glance a force field looks so easy that its creation as a battlefield shield seems imminent. One expects that any day some enterprising inventor will announce the discovery of a defensive force field. But the truth is far more complicated. In the same way that Edison's lightbulb revolutionized modern civilization, a force field could profoundly affect every aspect of our lives. The military could use force fields to become invulnerable, creating an impenetrable shield against enemy missiles and bullets. Bridges, superhighways, and roads could in theory be built by simply pressing a button. Entire cities could sprout instantly in the desert, with skyscrapers made entirely of force fields. Force fields erected over cities could enable their inhabitants to modify the effects of their weather-high winds, blizzards, tornados-at will. Cities could be built under the oceans within the safe canopy of a force field. Glass, steel, and mortar could be entirely replaced. Yet oddly enough a force field is perhaps one of the most difficult devices to create in the laboratory. In fact, some physicists believe it might actually be impossible, without modifying its properties. Michael Faraday The concept of force fields originates from the work of the great nineteenth-century British scientist Michael Faraday. Faraday was born to working-class parents (his father was a blacksmith) and eked out a meager existence as an apprentice bookbinder in the early 1800s. The young Faraday was fascinated by the enormous breakthroughs in uncovering the mysterious properties of two new forces: electricity and magnetism. Faraday devoured all he could concerning these topics and attended lectures by Professor Humphrey Davy of the Royal Institution in London. One day Professor Davy severely damaged his eyes in a chemical accident and hired Faraday to be his secretary. Faraday slowly began to win the confidence of the scientists at the Royal Institution and was allowed to conduct important experiments of his own, although he was often slighted. Over the years Professor Davy grew increasingly jealous of the brilliance shown by his young assistant, who was a rising star in experimental circles, eventually eclipsing Davy's own fame. After Davy died in 1829 Faraday was free to make a series of stunning breakthroughs that led to the creation of generators that would energize entire cities and change the course of world civilization. The key to Faraday's greatest discoveries was his "force fields." If one places iron filings over a magnet, one finds that the iron filings create a spiderweb-like pattern that fills up all of space. These are Faraday's lines of force, which graphically describe how the force fields of electricity and magnetism permeate space. If one graphs the magnetic fields of the Earth, for example, one finds that the lines emanate from the north polar region and then fall back to the Earth in the south polar region. Similarly, if one were to graph the electric field lines of a lightning rod in a thunderstorm, one would find that the lines of force concentrate at the tip of the lightning rod. Empty space, to Faraday, was not empty at all, but was filled with lines of force that could make distant objects move. (Because of Faraday's poverty-stricken youth, he was illiterate in mathematics, and as a consequence his notebooks are full not of equations but of hand-drawn diagrams of these lines of force. Ironically, his lack of mathematical training led him to create the beautiful diagrams of lines of force that now can be found in any physics textbook. In science a physical picture is often more important than the mathematics used to describe it.) Historians have speculated on how Faraday was led to his discovery of force fields, one of the most important concepts in all of science. In fact, the sum total of all modern physics is written in the language of Faraday's fields. In 1831, he made the key breakthrough regarding force fields that changed civilization forever. One day, he was moving a child's magnet over a coil of wire and he noticed that he was able to generate an electric current in the wire, without ever touching it. This meant that a magnet's invisible field could push electrons in a wire across empty space, creating a current. Faraday's "force fields," which were previously thought to be useless, idle doodlings, were real, material forces that could move objects and generate power. Today the light that you are using to read this page is probably energized by Faraday's discovery about electromagnetism. A spinning magnet creates a force field that pushes the electrons in a wire, causing them to move in an electrical current. This electricity in the wire can then be used to light up a lightbulb. This same principle is used to generate electricity to power the cities of the world. Water flowing across a dam, for example, causes a huge magnet in a turbine to spin, which then pushes the electrons in a wire, forming an electric current that is sent across high-voltage wires into our homes. In other words, the force fields of Michael Faraday are the forces that drive modern civilization, from electric bulldozers to today's computers, Internet, and iPods. Faraday's force fields have been an inspiration for physicists for a century and a half. Einstein was so inspired by them that he wrote his theory of gravity in terms of force fields. I, too, was inspired by Faraday's work. Years ago I successfully wrote the theory of strings in terms of the force fields of Faraday, thereby founding string field theory. In physics when someone says, "He thinks like a line of force," it is meant as a great compliment. The Four Forces Over the last two thousand years one of the crowning achievements of physics has been the isolation and identification of the four forces that rule the universe. All of them can be described in the language of fields introduced by Faraday. Unfortunately, however, none of them has quite the properties of the force fields described in most science fiction. These forces are 1. Gravity, the silent force that keeps our feet on the ground, prevents the Earth and the stars from disintegrating, and holds the solar system and galaxy together. Without gravity, we would be flung off the Earth into space at the rate of 1,000 miles per hour by the spinning planet. The problem is that gravity has precisely the opposite properties of a force field found in science fiction. Gravity is attractive, not repulsive; is extremely weak, relatively speaking; and works over enormous, astronomical distances. In other words, it is almost the opposite of the flat, thin, impenetrable barrier that one reads about in science fiction or one sees in science fiction movies. For example, it takes the entire planet Earth to attract a feather to the floor, but we can counteract Earth's gravity by lifting the feather with a finger. The action of our finger can counteract the gravity of an entire planet that weighs over six trillion trillion kilograms. 2. Electromagnetism (EM), the force that lights up our cities. Lasers, radio, TV, modern electronics, computers, the Internet, electricity, magnetism-all are consequences of the electromagnetic force. It is perhaps the most useful force ever harnessed by humans. Unlike gravity, it can be both attractive and repulsive. However, there are several reasons that it is unsuitable as a force field. First, it can be easily neutralized. Plastics and other insulators, for example, can easily penetrate a powerful electric or magnetic field. A piece of plastic thrown in a magnetic field would pass right through. Second, electromagnetism acts over large distances and cannot easily be focused onto a plane. The laws of the EM force are described by James Clerk Maxwell's equations, and these equations do not seem to admit force fields as solutions. 3 & 4. The weak and strong nuclear forces. The weak force is the force of radioactive decay. It is the force that heats up the center of the Earth, which is radioactive. It is the force behind volcanoes, earthquakes, and continental drift. The strong force holds the nucleus of the atom together. The energy of the sun and the stars originates from the nuclear force, which is responsible for lighting up the universe. The problem is that the nuclear force is a short-range force, acting mainly over the distance of a nucleus. Because it is so bound to the properties of nuclei, it is extremely hard to manipulate. At present the only ways we have of manipulating this force are to blow subatomic particles apart in atom smashers or to detonate atomic bombs. Although the force fields used in science fiction may not conform to the known laws of physics, there are still loopholes that might make the creation of such a force field possible. First, there may be a fifth force, still unseen in the laboratory.

Quantum Shift of The Global Brain;- How The New Scientific Reality Is Changing Us and Our World ''By; Ervin Laszlo''. -- Review
“Ervin Laszlo provides the most brilliant, comprehensive, and intellectually satisfying integral theory of everything that I have ever read. . . . His work transcends the vision of Darwin, Newton, Einstein, the quantum pioneers, and many other scientific giants of history.”
(Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success )

“Arguably the world’s greatest system theorist and interdisciplinary scientist and philosopher, Ervin Laszlo is a multifaceted individual with a range of interests and talents reminiscent of the great figures of the Renaissance. In an intellectual tour de force and a series of books, Laszlo offers a solution to the current paradoxes in Western science that transcends the boundaries of individual disciplines.”
(Stanislav Grof, author of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science and When the Impossible Happens )

"Ervin Laszlo has provided thought provoking information to guide us through this period of transition." 
(Kathryn Price, book editor, WomensRadio )

"Our world is undergoing a radical 'macroshift' at the same time as our scientific understanding of reality is revving up for a major paradigm shift. . . . This is truly inspiring stuff!" 
(Nexus New Times Magazine )

"This is a book I recommend for those who are interested quantum physics and the meditative state as it is written in a style I was able to understand, considering my strengths are not in science and mathematics." 
(Barbara Martin, reviewer, Jan 2009 )

"It is an exciting time to be alive now, during the evolution of the next step of human consciousness, and reading this book created a safe perspective for me 'to be' in the scheme of things." 
(Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide magazine, Issue No. 25, May/June 08 )

"From a scientifcally idealistic point of view, there is something that seems right about this book's advice. . . . From the shifting of political, corporate, and military resources to the planetary ethic, to the latest scientific knowledge, this is a book you wish everyone read." 
(Cheznoiu and Kovacs, United Association for Body Psychotherapy, Sep 2008 )

"Whenever I read a book written by a Nobel prize nominee, (peace, in this case, twice) I expect an interesting read. Quantum Shift in the Global Brain did not disappoint, but for rather a surprising reason: the book is a strange juxtaposition of societal and global trends, quantum and chaos physics, and pseudoscience, with wide breadth and bold claims. So, it kept me on my toes." 
(Donald N. Petcher, Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, Vol. 61, No. 1, March 2009 )

"Any college-level collection strong in either science or sociology will find this intriguing." 
(The Midwest Book Review, June 2008 )

"Laszlo makes a compelling case; his analysis of human populations and resource use provides a good historical basis to his theory that an industrialized way of life is unsustainable. Not merely content to describe the impending apocalypse, he lays out strategies and solutions to help support our survival." 
(Witches & Pagans, Feb 2010 )

"The overall message of the book, however unlikely this seems at present, is that humanity is a system capable of rapid transformation. We will soon enough discover whether this is true." 
(David Lorimer, The Scientific and Medical Network, March 2010 )

". . . explores how intuition and speculation are now being given scientific rigor and urgency as a multidimensional worldview emerges." 
(The Compendium Newsletter, Vol. 38, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2010 )
From the Back Cover

“Ervin Laszlo provides the most brilliant, comprehensive, and intellectually satisfying integral theory of everything that I have ever read. . . . His work transcends the vision of Darwin, Newton, Einstein, the quantum pioneers, and many other scientific giants of history.”
--Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

“Arguably the world’s greatest system theorist and interdisciplinary scientist and philosopher, Ervin Laszlo is a multifaceted individual with a range of interests and talents reminiscent of the great figures of the Renaissance. In an intellectual tour de force and a series of books, Laszlo offers a solution to the current paradoxes in Western science that transcends the boundaries of individual disciplines.”
--Stanislav Grof, author of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science and When the Impossible Happens

Our world is in a Macroshift. The reality we are experiencing today is a substantially new reality--climate change, global corporations, industrialized agriculture--challenging us to change with our rapidly changing world, lest we perish.

In this book, Ervin Laszlo presents a new “reality map” to guide us through the world shifts we are experiencing--the problems, opportunities, and challenges we face individually as well as collectively--in order to help us understand what we must do during this time of great transition. Science’s cutting edge now views reality as broader, as multiple universes arising in a possibly infinite meta-universe, as well as deeper, extending into dimensions at the subatomic level. Laszlo shows that aspects of human experience that had previously been consigned to the domain of intuition and speculation are now being explored with scientific rigor and urgency. There has been a shift in the materialistic scientific view of reality toward the multidimensional worldview of multiple interconnected realities long known by the world’s great spiritual traditions. By understanding the interconnectedness of our changing world as well as our changing “map” of the world, we can navigate with insight, wisdom, and confidence.

ERVIN LASZLO, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and Chancellor-Designate of the newly formed GlobalShift University. He is the founder and president of the international think tanks the Club of Budapest and the General Evolution Research Group and the author of 83 books translated into 21 languages. He lives in Italy.
Quantum Shift of The Global Brain;- How The New Scientific Reality Is Changing Us and Our World ''By; Ervin Laszlo''. -- Review “Ervin Laszlo provides the most brilliant, comprehensive, and intellectually satisfying integral theory of everything that I have ever read. . . . His work transcends the vision of Darwin, Newton, Einstein, the quantum pioneers, and many other scientific giants of history.” (Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success ) “Arguably the world’s greatest system theorist and interdisciplinary scientist and philosopher, Ervin Laszlo is a multifaceted individual with a range of interests and talents reminiscent of the great figures of the Renaissance. In an intellectual tour de force and a series of books, Laszlo offers a solution to the current paradoxes in Western science that transcends the boundaries of individual disciplines.” (Stanislav Grof, author of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science and When the Impossible Happens ) "Ervin Laszlo has provided thought provoking information to guide us through this period of transition." (Kathryn Price, book editor, WomensRadio ) "Our world is undergoing a radical 'macroshift' at the same time as our scientific understanding of reality is revving up for a major paradigm shift. . . . This is truly inspiring stuff!" (Nexus New Times Magazine ) "This is a book I recommend for those who are interested quantum physics and the meditative state as it is written in a style I was able to understand, considering my strengths are not in science and mathematics." (Barbara Martin, reviewer, Jan 2009 ) "It is an exciting time to be alive now, during the evolution of the next step of human consciousness, and reading this book created a safe perspective for me 'to be' in the scheme of things." (Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide magazine, Issue No. 25, May/June 08 ) "From a scientifcally idealistic point of view, there is something that seems right about this book's advice. . . . From the shifting of political, corporate, and military resources to the planetary ethic, to the latest scientific knowledge, this is a book you wish everyone read." (Cheznoiu and Kovacs, United Association for Body Psychotherapy, Sep 2008 ) "Whenever I read a book written by a Nobel prize nominee, (peace, in this case, twice) I expect an interesting read. Quantum Shift in the Global Brain did not disappoint, but for rather a surprising reason: the book is a strange juxtaposition of societal and global trends, quantum and chaos physics, and pseudoscience, with wide breadth and bold claims. So, it kept me on my toes." (Donald N. Petcher, Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, Vol. 61, No. 1, March 2009 ) "Any college-level collection strong in either science or sociology will find this intriguing." (The Midwest Book Review, June 2008 ) "Laszlo makes a compelling case; his analysis of human populations and resource use provides a good historical basis to his theory that an industrialized way of life is unsustainable. Not merely content to describe the impending apocalypse, he lays out strategies and solutions to help support our survival." (Witches & Pagans, Feb 2010 ) "The overall message of the book, however unlikely this seems at present, is that humanity is a system capable of rapid transformation. We will soon enough discover whether this is true." (David Lorimer, The Scientific and Medical Network, March 2010 ) ". . . explores how intuition and speculation are now being given scientific rigor and urgency as a multidimensional worldview emerges." (The Compendium Newsletter, Vol. 38, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2010 ) From the Back Cover SCIENCE / NEW THOUGHT “Ervin Laszlo provides the most brilliant, comprehensive, and intellectually satisfying integral theory of everything that I have ever read. . . . His work transcends the vision of Darwin, Newton, Einstein, the quantum pioneers, and many other scientific giants of history.” --Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success “Arguably the world’s greatest system theorist and interdisciplinary scientist and philosopher, Ervin Laszlo is a multifaceted individual with a range of interests and talents reminiscent of the great figures of the Renaissance. In an intellectual tour de force and a series of books, Laszlo offers a solution to the current paradoxes in Western science that transcends the boundaries of individual disciplines.” --Stanislav Grof, author of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science and When the Impossible Happens Our world is in a Macroshift. The reality we are experiencing today is a substantially new reality--climate change, global corporations, industrialized agriculture--challenging us to change with our rapidly changing world, lest we perish. In this book, Ervin Laszlo presents a new “reality map” to guide us through the world shifts we are experiencing--the problems, opportunities, and challenges we face individually as well as collectively--in order to help us understand what we must do during this time of great transition. Science’s cutting edge now views reality as broader, as multiple universes arising in a possibly infinite meta-universe, as well as deeper, extending into dimensions at the subatomic level. Laszlo shows that aspects of human experience that had previously been consigned to the domain of intuition and speculation are now being explored with scientific rigor and urgency. There has been a shift in the materialistic scientific view of reality toward the multidimensional worldview of multiple interconnected realities long known by the world’s great spiritual traditions. By understanding the interconnectedness of our changing world as well as our changing “map” of the world, we can navigate with insight, wisdom, and confidence. ERVIN LASZLO, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and Chancellor-Designate of the newly formed GlobalShift University. He is the founder and president of the international think tanks the Club of Budapest and the General Evolution Research Group and the author of 83 books translated into 21 languages. He lives in Italy.

(''I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS WITH EVERYBODY ABOUT THE SITUATION REGARDING THE CURRENT EDUCATION SYSTEM IT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED A BIT MORE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY AND BEYOND'') ----- I am a firm believer that (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') should become a Brand New Curriculum in all and everyone of the ''Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools'' I believe that the. ''Next Generation and All Other Future Generations'' of Children should be able to be Taught (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') Children at a Very Young age while their Minds, Brains are. Still Developing in their Skulls.
(''I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS WITH EVERYBODY ABOUT THE SITUATION REGARDING THE CURRENT EDUCATION SYSTEM IT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED A BIT MORE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY AND BEYOND'') ----- I am a firm believer that (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') should become a Brand New Curriculum in all and everyone of the ''Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools'' I believe that the. ''Next Generation and All Other Future Generations'' of Children should be able to be Taught (''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'') Children at a Very Young age while their Minds, Brains are. Still Developing in their Skulls.

The Red ''PHOTON'' Laser Beam Is Magnified When Passed Through A ''Crystal Structure'' Magnifying Its Energy Output Put Inside A Field of Electromagnetically Charged Superheated Plasma Field Put Inside of A Magnetic Field Coils of ''Electromagnetic Energy''. Thus Magnifying Its Energy Output Through ''Electromagnetic Energy'' Inside A ''Warp Drive Engine'' of A ''Starship'' For Starshp Travel.
The Red ''PHOTON'' Laser Beam Is Magnified When Passed Through A ''Crystal Structure'' Magnifying Its Energy Output Put Inside A Field of Electromagnetically Charged Superheated Plasma Field Put Inside of A Magnetic Field Coils of ''Electromagnetic Energy''. Thus Magnifying Its Energy Output Through ''Electromagnetic Energy'' Inside A ''Warp Drive Engine'' of A ''Starship'' For Starshp Travel.

The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics''.
The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics''.

The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics''.
The Periodic Table of Quantum Spiral of Elements of ''Quantum Electromagnetic Particle Physics''.

The Electromagnetic Universe....!!!!! ''Quantum Particle Physics of The Bigger More Complex Universe''...!!!!!!
The Electromagnetic Universe....!!!!! ''Quantum Particle Physics of The Bigger More Complex Universe''...!!!!!!

''Quantum Electromagnetic'' Field ''And Interaction of Electrical and Magnetic Energy and Forces''.
''Quantum Electromagnetic'' Field ''And Interaction of Electrical and Magnetic Energy and Forces''.

What The Field of Stars Looks Like Outside of The Window of A ''Starship'' While In Warp Drive and In Warp Speed.
What The Field of Stars Looks Like Outside of The Window of A ''Starship'' While In Warp Drive and In Warp Speed.

Interstellar Plasma Currents of High Density Pulse.
Interstellar Plasma Currents of High Density Pulse.

''Quantum'' Electro-Magnetic Superheated Plasma Energy Vortex ''Plasma Stream''.
''Quantum'' Electro-Magnetic Superheated Plasma Energy Vortex ''Plasma Stream''.

''Quantum'' Electro-Magnetic Superheated Plasma Energy Vortex ''Plasma Stream''.
''Quantum'' Electro-Magnetic Superheated Plasma Energy Vortex ''Plasma Stream''.

A Typical Warp Field Coil Segment For The Warp Engine Nacelles. In André Bormanis's explanation....!! ...which provides a bridge between electromagnetic and gravitational forces. By design, it has the property that when the warp plasma circulates through the coils, a [warp field]] is generated. Electromagnetic interactions between waves of the warp plasma and the verterium cortenide coils change the geometry of space surrounding the engine nacelles. In the process, a multilayered wave of warped space is born, and the starship cruises off to its next destination at hundreds of times the speed of light relative to normal space. Within the warp field, however, the starship does not exceed the local speed of light, and therefore does not violate the principal tenet of special relativity. Travel at velocities exceeding the speed of light is possible in this fashion because the starship is, strictly speaking, stationary (relative to the space inside the warp field) while it is the space-time immediately around the starship that is actually moving. Since spacetime itself is moving and the starship is not actually accelerating, it experiences no time dilation, allowing the passage of time inside the vessel to be the same as that outside the warp field.
A Typical Warp Field Coil Segment For The Warp Engine Nacelles. In André Bormanis's explanation....!! ...which provides a bridge between electromagnetic and gravitational forces. By design, it has the property that when the warp plasma circulates through the coils, a [warp field]] is generated. Electromagnetic interactions between waves of the warp plasma and the verterium cortenide coils change the geometry of space surrounding the engine nacelles. In the process, a multilayered wave of warped space is born, and the starship cruises off to its next destination at hundreds of times the speed of light relative to normal space. Within the warp field, however, the starship does not exceed the local speed of light, and therefore does not violate the principal tenet of special relativity. Travel at velocities exceeding the speed of light is possible in this fashion because the starship is, strictly speaking, stationary (relative to the space inside the warp field) while it is the space-time immediately around the starship that is actually moving. Since spacetime itself is moving and the starship is not actually accelerating, it experiences no time dilation, allowing the passage of time inside the vessel to be the same as that outside the warp field.

Piezoelectric Current Running Through Crystals ''Electrical Currents Running Through Crystal Structures'' of ''Piezoelectricity'' Effect.
Piezoelectric Current Running Through Crystals ''Electrical Currents Running Through Crystal Structures'' of ''Piezoelectricity'' Effect.

Real ''Lithium Quartz'' Crystals For ''Warp Drive Propulsion Technology'' For ''Warp Drive Propulsion Systems''.
Real ''Lithium Quartz'' Crystals For ''Warp Drive Propulsion Technology'' For ''Warp Drive Propulsion Systems''.

Real Life ''Real Working'' Argon Plasma Window ''Star Trek Force Field, ''Starship Defense Shields'' Technology Uses A Combination of Argon Plasma Gases.
Real Life ''Real Working'' Argon Plasma Window ''Star Trek Force Field, ''Starship Defense Shields'' Technology Uses A Combination of Argon Plasma Gases.

The ''Graviton Particle'' of Proton Anti-Proton of ''Matter Anti-Matter Energy Resources'' For ''Warp Drive Propulsion'' For The Use of ''Starships'' For ''Warp Travel''.
The ''Graviton Particle'' of Proton Anti-Proton of ''Matter Anti-Matter Energy Resources'' For ''Warp Drive Propulsion'' For The Use of ''Starships'' For ''Warp Travel''.

The Electric Human Body BIOENERGETIC Electro-Biomagnetism of The Human Body Structure The ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' of The Human Body.
The Electric Human Body BIOENERGETIC Electro-Biomagnetism of The Human Body Structure The ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' of The Human Body.

Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.
Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.

Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.
Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.

Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.
Electromagnetic Wavelength LED (Light-Emitting Diode) ''LED Light Therapy'' (Emitting Different Forms of Molecular Energy Properties) For Beneficial Health Emitting Energy of ''Vitamin-D'' Thus Producing More Levels of Vitamin-D In The Human Body ''Light Vitamins''.

The Great Buddhist Cycles The Golden Age of Time ''Both Divided The 24000-26000-Year Cycle Into 4 Ages, or Yugas'' of Different Periods of Time and ''Different Ages of Time''. I believe that it will be in a Time when we will be able to Achieve ''Star Flight Faster Then Light Travel'' of ''Starship Travel'' using ''Warp Drive Technology''.
The Great Buddhist Cycles The Golden Age of Time ''Both Divided The 24000-26000-Year Cycle Into 4 Ages, or Yugas'' of Different Periods of Time and ''Different Ages of Time''. I believe that it will be in a Time when we will be able to Achieve ''Star Flight Faster Then Light Travel'' of ''Starship Travel'' using ''Warp Drive Technology''.

Using Technologically Advance Fields of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics and The Rapid Acceleration of Hyperdimensional Physics Hyperdimensional Mechanics We Could Build A Time Machine and Time Travel ''Travel Back In Time'' To Prevent ''WWII'' and The Birth of Adolf Hitler AND Prevent The Rise of The Nazis Including The Prevention of the Terrorist Attacks of 9-11 2001 We Could Alter ''Time and Space'' thus Changing Certain Historical Events In All Throughout ''Time'' itself. We could travel back into time itself and Prevent 9-11 from Ever happening including Time Traveling back to the Year 1979 to Prevent the Irainian Hostage Crises from Ever Taking Place to Preventing the Bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and stop the Attacks before they began in the First Place or The Sinking of The Titanic.
Using Technologically Advance Fields of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics and The Rapid Acceleration of Hyperdimensional Physics Hyperdimensional Mechanics We Could Build A Time Machine and Time Travel ''Travel Back In Time'' To Prevent ''WWII'' and The Birth of Adolf Hitler AND Prevent The Rise of The Nazis Including The Prevention of the Terrorist Attacks of 9-11 2001 We Could Alter ''Time and Space'' thus Changing Certain Historical Events In All Throughout ''Time'' itself. We could travel back into time itself and Prevent 9-11 from Ever happening including Time Traveling back to the Year 1979 to Prevent the Irainian Hostage Crises from Ever Taking Place to Preventing the Bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and stop the Attacks before they began in the First Place or The Sinking of The Titanic.

Alkaline Ionized ''Hexagonal Microclustered Structured'' Drinking Water ''Mineralized'' ''With Molecular Hydrogen Particles'' For Human Consumption ''Viable Human Cell Repair''.
Alkaline Ionized ''Hexagonal Microclustered Structured'' Drinking Water ''Mineralized'' ''With Molecular Hydrogen Particles'' For Human Consumption ''Viable Human Cell Repair''.

Alkaline Ionized ''Hexagonal Microclustered Structured'' Drinking Water ''Mineralized'' ''With Molecular Hydrogen Particles'' For Human Consumption ''Viable Human Cell Repair''.
Alkaline Ionized ''Hexagonal Microclustered Structured'' Drinking Water ''Mineralized'' ''With Molecular Hydrogen Particles'' For Human Consumption ''Viable Human Cell Repair''.

You see I happen to have a More ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The ''Existence of The Universe'' and everything Within It. You see I happen to take from ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The Universe and. What is Possible in This Universe I consider myself to be an ''Explorer of Science, Kabbalah Science, Quantum Mechanics, A Combination of Science & Spirituality, Someone Who Sees Both The Scientific Side and The Spiritual Side to the Quantum Universe. This is what I fallow and what I have chosen to Believe I rely solely On Both Physical Scientific Methods and Total Spiritual Understanding of Our Quantum Universe.
You see I happen to have a More ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The ''Existence of The Universe'' and everything Within It. You see I happen to take from ''Star Trek, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, RAV. Michael Laitman PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and The Discovery Science Channel View'' of The Universe and. What is Possible in This Universe I consider myself to be an ''Explorer of Science, Kabbalah Science, Quantum Mechanics, A Combination of Science & Spirituality, Someone Who Sees Both The Scientific Side and The Spiritual Side to the Quantum Universe. This is what I fallow and what I have chosen to Believe I rely solely On Both Physical Scientific Methods and Total Spiritual Understanding of Our Quantum Universe.

Universal Space Art of The Universe of The Perfect Picture of The ''Distant Future'' From Now....!!!!
Universal Space Art of The Universe of The Perfect Picture of The ''Distant Future'' From Now....!!!!

A Core of A ''Super Hot'' White Dwarf Star Is Made Up of ''Crystal Diamond'' Inner Core and Shines 100's of Times Brighter Than Regular Stars ''A Crystal Diamond Weighing 10 Billion Trillion Trillion Carats'' The Biggest Piece of Crystal Diamond In Space.
A Core of A ''Super Hot'' White Dwarf Star Is Made Up of ''Crystal Diamond'' Inner Core and Shines 100's of Times Brighter Than Regular Stars ''A Crystal Diamond Weighing 10 Billion Trillion Trillion Carats'' The Biggest Piece of Crystal Diamond In Space.

Introducing The ''Higgs Boson Particle'' of The ''Electromagnetically Charged Quantum Field''.
Introducing The ''Higgs Boson Particle'' of The ''Electromagnetically Charged Quantum Field''.

The Smart Inteligence of An ADHD (''Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'') Mind of ''ADHD Thinkers'' Scientists Like ''Albert Einstein''.
The Smart Inteligence of An ADHD (''Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'') Mind of ''ADHD Thinkers'' Scientists Like ''Albert Einstein''.

The Quantum Electromagnetic Energy Field of ''Einstein's Curvature of Spacetime''; of ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' Of The Inverse Square Law.
The Quantum Electromagnetic Energy Field of ''Einstein's Curvature of Spacetime''; of ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' Of The Inverse Square Law.

The Quantum Electromagnetic Energy Field of ''Einstein's Curvature of Spacetime''; of ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' Of The Quantum Atom Theory.
The Quantum Electromagnetic Energy Field of ''Einstein's Curvature of Spacetime''; of ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics'' as well as ''Hyperdimensional Physics and Hyperdimensional Mechanics'' Of The Quantum Atom Theory.

The Great Buddhist Cycles The Golden Age of Time ''Both Divided The 24000-26000-Year Cycle Into 4 Ages, or Yugas'' of Different Periods of Time and ''Different Ages of Time''.
The Great Buddhist Cycles The Golden Age of Time ''Both Divided The 24000-26000-Year Cycle Into 4 Ages, or Yugas'' of Different Periods of Time and ''Different Ages of Time''.


Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.
Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.

Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.
Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.

Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.
Here Is A Purely Scientific Run-Down On The Mechanics of ''Quantum Particles''. --- --- Particles are the Smaller Components of Atoms and Nuclei and they happen to have ''Greater Power, Influence, and Pull'' on how the ''Mechanics of The Universe Works'' in relation to the ''Atoms and Nuclei'' react to what the Smaller components the ''Particles'' do themselves. Which they work through an ''Electromagnetic Field of Pure Energy'' which is from a reaction of ''Matter and Anti-Matter'' which is considered to be ''Universe Anti-Universe''.

The Electromagnetic Use of ''Quantum Particles'' For ''Warp Drive Technology'' Through The Use of ''Photon Light Energy''......!!!!!!!
The Electromagnetic Use of ''Quantum Particles'' For ''Warp Drive Technology'' Through The Use of ''Photon Light Energy''......!!!!!!!

''Quantum Computers'' Uses Photonic Diamond Crystals Through A Nanowire Light Activated Photonic Construction Design. Which Uses ''Crystal Structure'' that ''Transmit Information'' through A ''Crystal Core'' Energy/Information/Light Grid and Network. Photonic Crystals That Uses Light To Transmit Information Far Rapidly Then Regular Copper Computer Computing Photonic Crystals That Uses Light Will Be Used For ''Quantum Computing'' For ''Multi-Dimensional Quantum Computers'' of The Future With Far More Computing and Processing Power.
''Quantum Computers'' Uses Photonic Diamond Crystals Through A Nanowire Light Activated Photonic Construction Design. Which Uses ''Crystal Structure'' that ''Transmit Information'' through A ''Crystal Core'' Energy/Information/Light Grid and Network. Photonic Crystals That Uses Light To Transmit Information Far Rapidly Then Regular Copper Computer Computing Photonic Crystals That Uses Light Will Be Used For ''Quantum Computing'' For ''Multi-Dimensional Quantum Computers'' of The Future With Far More Computing and Processing Power.

Dark Matter (''Dark Energy'') The Electromagnetic Gravitational Fields of The Universe and Its ''4Th Dimensional Universe'' ''Hyper-Universe''........!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Matter (''Dark Energy'') The Electromagnetic Gravitational Fields of The Universe and Its ''4Th Dimensional Universe'' ''Hyper-Universe''........!!!!!!!!!!

Thrive The Movie ''Alternative Free Energy Technology Revolution Movement'' ''Natural Science'' and ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics''.
Thrive The Movie ''Alternative Free Energy Technology Revolution Movement'' ''Natural Science'' and ''Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics''.

Quantum Torus In The Universe Is What Exactly Looks Like Inside of A Sliced Apple.
Quantum Torus In The Universe Is What Exactly Looks Like Inside of A Sliced Apple.

The Quantum Mechanics of ''Starship Warp Drive Travel'' Uses A Conbination of A Torus Field Combined With A Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble and Magnetic Thrust Out of An ''Electromagnetic Field''.
The Quantum Mechanics of ''Starship Warp Drive Travel'' Uses A Conbination of A Torus Field Combined With A Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble and Magnetic Thrust Out of An ''Electromagnetic Field''.

A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces.
A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces.

Quantum Electromagnetic Torus Fields ''Earth's Natural Electromagnetic Energy Torus Fields''.
Quantum Electromagnetic Torus Fields ''Earth's Natural Electromagnetic Energy Torus Fields''.

THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces.

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))
THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces. How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''. Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces.

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))
THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! A Combination of Magnetic North and Magnetic South of The Torus Field and The Combined Fields of The Alcubierre Warp Drive Bubble of Shortened Space and Expanded Space and The Horizontal Positive + and Negative - Electromagnetic Forces. How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''. Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core.

First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.
How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core. First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core ''Pure Scientific Rundown'' of Scientific Model.

First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.
How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core ''Pure Scientific Rundown'' of Scientific Model. First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.

THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! ''Pure Scientific Rundown'' of Scientific Model.

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))
THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! ''Pure Scientific Rundown'' of Scientific Model. How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''. Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

Look up ''Beryllium-7'' Which is produced by ''Helium-3 & Helium-4'' in which is found from (Di-Lithium Mineral) ''Lithium Phosphate Crystal'' through a ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reaction'' of which. Comes through the Deuterium/Tritium ''To Helium'' Fusion Reaction of Protons and Neutrons ie ''Neutrino's'' Using The Key Components of ''Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Carbon''. Through The Catalyst Field of ''Hydrogen To Helium Plasma Gas'' of Electrical Energy and Mass creating ''Beryllium-7'' ((THIS COULD BECOME THE APPLICATION FOR ''WARP DRIVE'' AND WARP TRAVEL)) in the Future for ''Star Travel'' for ''Starships''.

Deuterium/Tritium ''To Helium'' Fusion Reaction of Protons and Neutrons Using The Key Components of ''Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Carbon'' Through The Catalyst Field of ''Plasma Gas'' of Electrical Energy and Mass ((THIS COULD BECOME THE APPLICATION FOR ''WARP DRIVE'' AND WARP TRAVEL)) in the Future for ''Star Travel'' for ''Starships''. -- -- Hydrogen Gas Clouds In Space Which Cand Be Collected By The ''Functioning Bussard Collector'' ''Ramjet -- Scramjet'', ''Fusion Powered Warp Nacelles'' These Are Clouds of Hydrogen Gas Which Can Be Collected As. A Source of ''Warp Fuel'' Resource of Energy Using The Matter Anti-Matter Components of The Gas Clouds Thus Sent To The ''Fusion Reactor'' ''Warp Core Engine'' of A Starship OR Starships..!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look up ''Beryllium-7'' Which is produced by ''Helium-3 & Helium-4'' in which is found from (Di-Lithium Mineral) ''Lithium Phosphate Crystal'' through a ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reaction'' of which. Comes through the Deuterium/Tritium ''To Helium'' Fusion Reaction of Protons and Neutrons ie ''Neutrino's'' Using The Key Components of ''Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Carbon''. Through The Catalyst Field of ''Hydrogen To Helium Plasma Gas'' of Electrical Energy and Mass creating ''Beryllium-7'' ((THIS COULD BECOME THE APPLICATION FOR ''WARP DRIVE'' AND WARP TRAVEL)) in the Future for ''Star Travel'' for ''Starships''. Deuterium/Tritium ''To Helium'' Fusion Reaction of Protons and Neutrons Using The Key Components of ''Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Carbon'' Through The Catalyst Field of ''Plasma Gas'' of Electrical Energy and Mass ((THIS COULD BECOME THE APPLICATION FOR ''WARP DRIVE'' AND WARP TRAVEL)) in the Future for ''Star Travel'' for ''Starships''. -- -- Hydrogen Gas Clouds In Space Which Cand Be Collected By The ''Functioning Bussard Collector'' ''Ramjet -- Scramjet'', ''Fusion Powered Warp Nacelles'' These Are Clouds of Hydrogen Gas Which Can Be Collected As. A Source of ''Warp Fuel'' Resource of Energy Using The Matter Anti-Matter Components of The Gas Clouds Thus Sent To The ''Fusion Reactor'' ''Warp Core Engine'' of A Starship OR Starships..!!!!!!!!!!!!

((Updated Information In Diagram Description)) THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!!

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

I believe that the Same Principles applies went it comes to the Creation of a ''Warp Drive Engine, Warp Core / Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor'' and that it has a whole lot of Potential for ''Warp Travel ie Star Travel''. Including the creation of a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). ''Bussard Collectors // Warp Nacelles'' -

I am planning on doing some ''Scientific Experiments'' using and with ''Liquid Hydrogen'', ''Tesla / Rodin Coil'', ''Neodymium Magnets'', ''A High-Powered, ie Powerful Red Photon Laser Beamer / Shooter'', ''Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Lithium Crystal'', to generate a ''Warp Field Generating Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Field'' inside of a ''Home-Made Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor''. I am going to be starting the very first steps in the First Developments of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core'' in hopes that I can and will somehow produce ''Exceptional Results'' in the very first Stages of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Warp Core Concept''. I am going to go ahead with the Project in hopes that I can begin to gain new members and people to the Project I will have to start by myself in order for an Already Existing Project that others might want to join. I have to find out where I can get my Materials and Resources from first.!!!!

I plan on putting a ''Tesla/Rodin Coil Tower ie Cylinder'' inside of my ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core, ie Warp Drive Engine Warp Core'' I will be incorporating ''Tesla Coil Technology With Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Technology'' I have studied the Scientific Works of people like (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))). I am Planing on Combining the ''Works of (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))).
((Updated Information In Diagram Description)) THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''. Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]])) I believe that the Same Principles applies went it comes to the Creation of a ''Warp Drive Engine, Warp Core / Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor'' and that it has a whole lot of Potential for ''Warp Travel ie Star Travel''. Including the creation of a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). ''Bussard Collectors // Warp Nacelles'' - I am planning on doing some ''Scientific Experiments'' using and with ''Liquid Hydrogen'', ''Tesla / Rodin Coil'', ''Neodymium Magnets'', ''A High-Powered, ie Powerful Red Photon Laser Beamer / Shooter'', ''Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Lithium Crystal'', to generate a ''Warp Field Generating Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Field'' inside of a ''Home-Made Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor''. I am going to be starting the very first steps in the First Developments of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core'' in hopes that I can and will somehow produce ''Exceptional Results'' in the very first Stages of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Warp Core Concept''. I am going to go ahead with the Project in hopes that I can begin to gain new members and people to the Project I will have to start by myself in order for an Already Existing Project that others might want to join. I have to find out where I can get my Materials and Resources from first.!!!! I plan on putting a ''Tesla/Rodin Coil Tower ie Cylinder'' inside of my ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core, ie Warp Drive Engine Warp Core'' I will be incorporating ''Tesla Coil Technology With Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Technology'' I have studied the Scientific Works of people like (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))). I am Planing on Combining the ''Works of (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))).

((''Toroid Rodin Coil And The Particle Aperture'')); 

(Updated Information In Diagram Description)) How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core.

First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.

I believe that the Same Principles applies went it comes to the Creation of a ''Warp Drive Engine, Warp Core / Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor'' and that it has a whole lot of Potential for ''Warp Travel ie Star Travel''. Including the creation of a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). ''Bussard Collectors // Warp Nacelles'' -

I am planning on doing some ''Scientific Experiments'' using and with ''Liquid Hydrogen'', ''Tesla / Rodin Coil'', ''Neodymium Magnets'', ''A High-Powered, ie Powerful Red Photon Laser Beamer / Shooter'', ''Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Lithium Crystal'', to generate a ''Warp Field Generating Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Field'' inside of a ''Home-Made Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor''. I am going to be starting the very first steps in the First Developments of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core'' in hopes that I can and will somehow produce ''Exceptional Results'' in the very first Stages of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Warp Core Concept''. I am going to go ahead with the Project in hopes that I can begin to gain new members and people to the Project I will have to start by myself in order for an Already Existing Project that others might want to join. I have to find out where I can get my Materials and Resources from first.!!!!

I plan on putting a ''Tesla/Rodin Coil Tower ie Cylinder'' inside of my ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core, ie Warp Drive Engine Warp Core'' I will be incorporating ''Tesla Coil Technology With Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Technology'' I have studied the Scientific Works of people like (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))). I am Planing on Combining the ''Works of (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))).
((''Toroid Rodin Coil And The Particle Aperture'')); (Updated Information In Diagram Description)) How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core. First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. I believe that the Same Principles applies went it comes to the Creation of a ''Warp Drive Engine, Warp Core / Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor'' and that it has a whole lot of Potential for ''Warp Travel ie Star Travel''. Including the creation of a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). ''Bussard Collectors // Warp Nacelles'' - I am planning on doing some ''Scientific Experiments'' using and with ''Liquid Hydrogen'', ''Tesla / Rodin Coil'', ''Neodymium Magnets'', ''A High-Powered, ie Powerful Red Photon Laser Beamer / Shooter'', ''Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Lithium Crystal'', to generate a ''Warp Field Generating Electromagnetic Hydrogen Plasma Field'' inside of a ''Home-Made Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor''. I am going to be starting the very first steps in the First Developments of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core'' in hopes that I can and will somehow produce ''Exceptional Results'' in the very first Stages of my ''Warp Drive Engine / Warp Core Concept''. I am going to go ahead with the Project in hopes that I can begin to gain new members and people to the Project I will have to start by myself in order for an Already Existing Project that others might want to join. I have to find out where I can get my Materials and Resources from first.!!!! I plan on putting a ''Tesla/Rodin Coil Tower ie Cylinder'' inside of my ''Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Reactor Core, ie Warp Drive Engine Warp Core'' I will be incorporating ''Tesla Coil Technology With Hydrogen Plasma Fusion Technology'' I have studied the Scientific Works of people like (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))). I am Planing on Combining the ''Works of (((''Nikolai Tesla'', ''Dr. Robert W. Bussard'', ''Hans Bethe'', ''Ernest Rutherford'', ''Ray Davis'', ''Stanley Pons & Martin Fleischmann'', ''Farrokh Najmabadi'', ''Dr. Edward Moses'', ''Paul Dirac'', and ''Franklin Chang-Diaz'',))).

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' and ][ How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core. THE ''WARP DRIVE ENGINE'' AND ''BUSSARD COLLECTOR / WARP NACELLE'' FOR STARSHIPS THAT TRAVELS FASTER THEN THE SPEED OF LIGHT.....!!!!!!! 

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Warp Drive Engine; First you are to have a ''Containment Field'' inside of a ''Nuclear Reactor'' Style Containment Housing setup of Construction of which would be used for the ''Warp Drive Engine Housing''. Inside of The ''Containment Field'' you would have ''Super-heated Electrically Charged Argon Plasma Gas'', in and inside of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would have in the Center of the ''Plasma Gas'' you would build and construct a Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' created out of ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'',. Outside of the Lattice Style ''Double Helix'' Construction of the ''Electrically Charged Magnetic Copper Coils'', you would have an Inner Platform which would House. The ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', and there would be a setup and a construction for a ''Red Photon Laser Beam Projector'', that would ''Shoot Powerful Beams of Red Photons'' into the ''Electrically Charged Lithium Quartz Crystal'', thus Magnifying The Energy Input of The Photon Energy ''10 to The Power of 10''. To be able to produce the ''Initial Electrical Charge'' inside of the ''Warp Drive Containment Field'' you would have to Construct a Framework for the ''Electrically Charged ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition Spark System'' which would give it the ''Initial Burst of Electrical Energy''. The inside Walls would have to be covered in a ''Magnetically Dense 2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil Plating'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets and the Outer part of the Housing would have to be made out of an Insulated 2 Foot thick ''Steel'' thus creating a ''Real Working Warp Drive Engine'' for ''Real Working Starships''.

Thus you will then begin to Produce a ''Warp Bubble'' around the ''Entire Ship'' thus ''Warping Space'' around the ''Starship'' and thus ''Shortens and Pulls Space In Front of The Starship'' and ''Expands and Pushes Space In The Back of The Starship'' creating. A ''Warp Capable Thrust'' in a Matter of Seconds thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''. (''I Believe That We Have The Capabilities To Build A Warp Drive Engine and Even Starships As Well'') we already have the Necessary Materials and Resources as well as the ''Science and Engineering'' to be able to ''Build Warp Driven Starship Vehicles'' In Space and On Earth. (([[[''Copper Coils'', ''Lithium Quartz Crystals'', ''Laser Beam Projectors'', ''Argon Plasma Gas'', ''Electricity'', ''Electrically Charged Magnets'', ''Electromagnetic Field'', ''Electrical Volts'', ''Electrical Voltage'', ''Steel'', ''2 Inch Thick Aluminum Foil'', ''Nuclear Isotopes'', ''Liquid Hydrogen Peroxide Ignition System'']]]))

How To Have A Real Working and Functioning Bussard Collector, ''Warp Nacelle'' For The ''Added Benefit To The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core. First you will ned to construct a [[[(''Warp Plasma Conduit ''COILS'') in which Directs High Energy OF Electro-Plasma Known As Warp Drive Plasma From The ''Warp Drive Engine Warp Core. then you will need to build a (''Bussard (Ramjet and Scramjet) inside of ''Warp Nacelle'') Housing, in which would have the ''Warp Coils''. Then you will be to build and construct a (''Bussard Ramscoop ''Hydrogen Collector'' ''Matter Anti-Matter'') Collector. (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ''H-2''). which would add to the already Collected Hydrogen Gas ''Fuel'' Inside inside of the ''Warp Nacelle'' Housing. Then you will need to build and construct the (''Warp Nacelle Particle Aperture & Bussard Collector.'')]]] This will help Increase The Energy Output of The ''Warp Drive Engine'' Warp Core to create and to expand the ''Warp Bubble'' and The Fuel and Thrust that is Needed to push the ''Starship Forward'' Into ''Warp'' Then it will be traveling faster Then the ''Speed of Light''. thus the ''Starship'' thus flies and travels at ''Incredible Velocities'' at ''Enormous Distances'' in a ''Shorter Amount of Time''.

Why not connect a Bussard Interstellar Ramjet & Scramjet ''CNO- (''CNO - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen to Helium ''H-2'') Collector'' Cylinder with a ''Deuterium-Tritium'' Fusion Reactor by Connecting Them Together Into A ''Combined Engine'' and. By Reshaping and Remodeling Them Into A Combined Form For ''Building Warp Drive Engine Technology and Starship and Star Travel Technology and Concept''. We could get ''Deuterium-Tritium'' Fusion Reaction from a Combined effort of a ''Bussard Interstellar Ramjet & Scramjet'' with that of a ''Deuterium-Tritium'' Fusion Reactor we could get the Combined Energy equivalent of the ''Energy of The Sun or A Star'' from a Deuterium from a ''Hydrogen Atom of Salt-Water'' for ''Warp Travel and or Warp Flight for Starships''.

The Combining of David Adair's Electromagnetic (''Dipole'') PLASMA FUSION Confinement Engine, Concept Design ''Electromagnetic Plasma Fusion Rockets''.....!!!!!!!!!!!!! Magnetic Plasma Coils ie Container with that of the (''Bussard Collector'') ie Bussard Ramjet (''Bussard Ramsoop'') Technology with that of the (''Toroidal Rodin Coil'') Fusion Style Ringed Reactor Design.....!!!!!!!!! My ((''Electromagnetically Charged Hydrogen-Helium Plasma Fusion Reactor Chamber / Warp Drive Engine, Warp Core'')) and my TWO connecting ((''Warp Nacelles, / Busssard Ramjet & Scramjet Plasma Fusion Ramscoop Rockets'')) will be based upon the ((''Continuing Motion of Electromagnetic Frequency Resonance'')) and it will be. ((''Self Supporting & Self Sustaining'')) under the Scientific Principles of ''Every ELECTROMAGNETIC Action that Has An Equal HYDROGEN-HELIUM and CARBON-NITROGEN Opposite Reaction'' this will have the. Capabilities to ''Suck The Energy Source of the Vacuum of Space'' using Electromagnetic Collection plates the will be built into a ''PARTICLE APERTURE'' ie a ''PARTICLE ACCELERATOR WAVE-GUIDE'' Generator of which would help feed Fuel and Power to the ''Warp Engine and the TWO Connecting Warp Nacelles''.

The Red ''PHOTON'' Laser Beam Is Magnified When Passed Through A ''Crystal Structure'' Magnifying Its Energy Output Put Inside A Field of Electromagnetically Charged Superheated Plasma Field Put Inside of A Magnetic Field Coils of ''Electromagnetic Energy''. Thus Magnifying Its Energy Output Through ''Electromagnetic Energy'' Inside A ''Warp Drive Engine'' of A ''Starship'' For Starshp Travel.
