For those who don't know, MK Ultra is the codename for a huge series of experiments carried out by the CIA from the late fifties to the early seventies. It is terrifying in its scope, brutality, and secrecy. According to wikipedia, 44 universities, 15 research foundations, 12 hospitals, and three prisons are known to have participated in MK Ultra. This is not even counting whatever secret or facilities participated; And considering that the CIA frequently set up front organizations to carry out experiments associated with the project, its likely that the real numbers are much higher. Estimates of the number of people affected by it and its sister projects range from tens of thousands to a million people. Although volunteers were used for many of the more benign experiments, it is a matter of great social concern that many of the subjects used for darker purposes were often, allegedly, kidnapped American and Canadian citizens, and even children. The purpose of these experiments? Mind control.

From testing a wide array of psychoactive substances to hypnotic suggestion, MK ULTRA sought to use any method at its disposal to create methods of mind control that would rival its wartime competitors in China, Russia, and Nazi Germany... but by far its most infamous experiments involved the use of torture and psychological abuse to cause the subject to undergo a mental disassociation, a process so intense that it could result in the fracturing of the psyche into multiple personalities. In fact, this "fracturing" was the very aim of these terrible experiments, as the resulting "alter egos" could be programmed with directives and behaviors that would be compartmentalized from the original personality, creating a secret subconscious personality in the mind of the subject that could be triggered at will. The trauma of this process would ensure the subject would retain no waking memory of the abuses inflicted, and thus, allow the culprits to remain hidden; creating the perfect scapegoat, secret assassin, or slave.

We may never know how many of the theories regarding MK ULTRA are true, nor the severity and scope of the losses it inflicted; but it's certain that they had a lot to hide. In 1973 the CIA Director, Richard Helms, ordered all MK Ultra files destroyed in order to prevent a full investigation. Although officially discontinued since 1975, many whistleblowers, CIA observers, and conspiracy theorists have voiced concerns that MK ULTRA-style mind programming experiments carry on secretly, in the form of Monarch programming. Many people today believe that celebrities and especially Hollywood starlets are often victims of this type of mind control, and the rumors of this type of activity have reached memetic status. It's hard to tell where the lies end and where the truth begins, but we all know that the CIA are skilled in the art of disinformation and in dividing and conquering the general populace.

Here's some related reading material:
~ Kim noble is an alleged mind control survivor who suffers from multiple personality disorder as a result of the trauma she's experienced. She, and her multiple personas, express their suffering through her artwork.
~ A detailed article from the same source, concerning the origins of Monarch and MK ULTRA.
