
Posts uit juli, 2015 tonen

Trauma: Oldschool For The Headstrong 2015 Trailer


Luciferianism from the view of an Ex-Muslim (Very powerful)


The discovery of the mummy alien in Egypt from the KGB!


Agartha UFO Base Antarctica


Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed


the Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory


nothing is real- the ilution off reality



The Evil Truth About Psychic Vampires


belial acient demon


PC Longplay [587] Aliens vs Predator (Part 2 of 3)


Fear of The Unknown: Lovecraft Documentary


Why Do Spirits Have Hierarchies?


Deindoctriate Religious Dogma To Awaken Genius — S. Ben Qayin


Most Of The Web Is Invisible To Google. Here's What It Contains

reality and your one reality

"There exist universes both ‘inside and out’ which have equally valid existence and ‘reality’. However, this statement is rather circular in nature, as ‘reality’ is yet to be defined. Reality seems to have no one form when viewed independently, therefore establishing a general ‘reality’ as a base to measure all other ‘realities’ against in search of validity, seems rather a moot point or action at the end of the line of reasoning, as everyone’s reality is equally valid. In ot her words, no one can prove that their own reality is the ‘true or correct’ one. In a way this is a form of solipsism, as we all essentially are the god of our own independent realities, meaning to a degree, no one is equal with ourselves, in turn meaning we are ultimately alone in a reality we ourselves created. Though it can be argued in this same way, that we are all equals, as we are all gods of our own realities, sharing one consensual reality in which we equally dwell and interact. From th

rebeling against the system

If you truly want to rebel and fuck the system, if you really wanna be against the grain and a true non-conformist, it is essential that you do exactly the opposite of what the "Man" wants you to do. What this ACTUALLY means is educating yourself, learn how to properly use your native tongue in an eloquent manner and think before you speak; reading a book once in awhile that is about something substantial rather than constantly engaging your attention in frivolous entertainment; having respect for your fellow humans and other creatures coupled with a healthy sense of self-esteem and loving yourself in a healthy and non-arrogant manner; refraining from poisoning yourself with fake foods, death drugs and other synthetic forms of satisfaction; thinking for yourself rather than following the herd mentality; spending more time being kinder to people rather than looking out for yourself; removing the pursuit of money, power, and material goods as the center of your

RIP for my grandmother

RIP for my grandmother she died this morning not a good day for me and all that known here she was not a fav family member off me the last years but she shall be missed for shure she keeps in my mind RIP

Sad Satan - Deep Web Horror Game - Part 3


BLACK METAL (1998) Documentary Belgium (with ENG subtitles)


Black Magick Put Me In A Mental Hospital - Anima Noira


Why Summon "Evil" Demons Like Satan And Astaroth?


So You Think That Rainbow Makes You Look Cool?
