most humans dont own there mind

The degenerate Abraham Lincoln reached the power of head of state to harm life. Planning in his most sinister dreams the rape of white women by the freed slaves. Waiting for the day. The same who claimed to have a total disregard for the religiosity of those who did not consider their dogs or cats to be the most important there is in the entire world. He was a subhuman.
Humans DO NOT own their minds today. Their minds serve the Jew to the extent their egos cannot accept they have been manipulated. If the “little” Noble decides to "arrogantly", Honorably use his Martial Force in Wrath, a natural system to establish Justice, to protect life, the security forces of the new Plebeian Kingdom are there to stop him and teach him a fucking lesson. For within the plebeian worldview Noble values are undesirable and injustice is felt by the plebeian as Strength. An insignificant cold weakling may be able to stop the anger of a good man using only his index finger on a trigger putting a bullet in the head of a being infinitely Superior to him. Ruining millions of years of evolution with the weapon created by a martial Noble that was not intended for the use of the weak against the strong but to defend the Homeland: for the Defense of the Kingdom: To DEFEND THE WORLD revolving around the PRINCIPLE.
All of it legal and “sacred” under plebeian law so that later the cop can go to his house to eat poorly using his bourgeois wage payment that the traitors of the King give him.
Behold the different feelings that lead a modern cop to that office and those that prompted Nobles of the past so we can recover those feelings. At the time of maximum martial splendor of Japan called "Edo", a police officer was called a "Magister”. Great Bearers of Martial Art. Even dealing with a stick against criminals armed with swords ready these criminals to take out their intestines and cut off their heads. To a Honorable Magister the enforcement of justice was not just a job. Their Heroic Desire for Good Made Them Strong beyond the limits and gave them Invincibility before the enemy. No Warrior should follow the commands of a weak leader he could defeat in Combat because the weaker he is the closer he is to evil. Reverence for failures must end.
It was demonstrated in the Plebeian Kingdom that the weakness of the weak does not originate in him being oppressed but it originates in his existence. Descendants of the Ancient Nobles are a minority in the plebeian system of democracy where power is exercised by a majority. The weak are not oppressed and they remain weak. The Nobles are oppressed and are abundantly Mighty.
What is low and ugly is low and ugly. If the Superior says it’s beautiful it’s because he is looking at it from his Superior Beautiful Eyes. The small ugly ones see the Superior as extremely disgusting because they fear him very, very much. The Noble has been left unprotected in a plebeian structure that hates his life. Being that he was not supposed to live such a life but to be protected and cherished, just living his Life. His life stolen by very "good and humble" people.
I Bring the Martial Class New Light: Warriors Must Be of the Earth Masters. All of those insignificant ones angrily shout at the military hating their protectors. The soldier lives in effort and hardness serving cursed concupiscent ones. Every soldier feels this in his heart but hides it. He is spat upon by those he has bled for. Armed forces and police are emancipated from serving them by the Zarathustrian Charisma.
The approaching Jewish state, their New World Order, their New World Evil, their Subhuman Empire will fear its own personnel for police officers and soldiers will be Zarathustrian. Abandoning the service to the miserable. These wretches unable to bear any confrontation against a Soldier. The money of the weak was based on the physical strength of Nobles: money authority existed because the law that raised money was protected by the military.
Our Cause is MOST HOLY by the Investment of Force in It. The Cause of the SUPERIOR MAN. What lives off extorting Noble Sentiments must Perish. What depends on pity must Perish. And especially the Envious trying to teach a lesson on humility must be Wiped Out in an Instant. Be careful of any pig that finds punishing others to be of pleasure. To us Nobles acting violently for Justice is harsh need. Take the spears against those who humiliate us. Earth Belongs to Us Warriors. Eternally. The life they offer CANNOT be called a LIFE. It is the Prison those we commiserated enough sent us to. Now our Compassion is Enchaining Us. Now they teach us lessons and live in our home while we inhabit a cage. Let the price to pay be IMMENSE! There must be consequences. You Fighters are Those Beloved By Autocrator THE MOST.
The Mission of the Autocrat is to End the Magical Prison of Jehovah on EARTH and HUMANITY. And Bring the True Kingdom of Heaven that WILL LAST FOREVER. To the extent that His Name is Adored the Autocrat is Strengthened and Nobles Obtain Their Vengeance. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Galactic Empire. At any time the thunder occurs it should be proclaimed: Agios o Vindex! For Where There Is Thunder Vindex DOMINATES.
Now Comes the Monumental Innocence
The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!
