rule your own world

The Owner of Glory
Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrians maintain Together THE POWER OF HONOR. We do not seek equality, we seek the Truth. The idea that there is no good or that everything is relative is a way for the evil to be free from the Reverence to the Man of Kindness. Against the God of Vengeance no attack will succeed because He Has Come to Punish what has already been made against Honor. Autocrat is "He Who Rules by Himself". Autocrator is self-governing and Governor of all. There Is No Higher Honor than to Give One’s Life for the King.
Anyone who had called himself Autocrat is worthy of being under suspicion because he lives in the overestimation of himself. There is only one Autocrat and only the Autocrat is Carrier of the Autocratic Authority. He is the Holy Spirit. Not adapted to any wrongdoing. Because He is the Most Powerful He is the Most Holy. And Plans the Triumph of Heaven. He is the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts and the Shin Shin Shingan: "The Eyes and Heart of God".
Autocrator cannot be touched by any sword but His Sword cannot be escaped since it Represents Justice. Autocrator is Untouchable but from Him nothing can for too long flee. God is not the force that can comfortably achieve things. God is a feeling that despite all suffering continues its march and in the end is Heir to a Natural Power. This is What Autocrator Is. Who Built Himself Supreme By The FEELING OF LOVE. Autocrator is like everyone and unlike anyone. He is the force that gives the evolution to the Nation. Today He manifests as Homo Sol to make us Homo Sol. The Day After the Homo Sol He alone decides how we will continue to paint life. Our Victory Is Near but It Requires Battle. The Autocrat is our Patriarch. He Gives Us a Little of His Mind to Make Us Invincible. Resting on Our Strength the Destiny of Civilization.
It is not fair for anyone to be something different than what Autocrator wants, to be away from Autocrator’s Will. Because what is Away from Him is away from Life. Being that our King should not be interpreted as a physical being merely, but He is the Best every being can be. He Is The Living Principle of What is Good. Being weak is falling to the rebellious impulse because for this no determination must exist, only indiscipline and lack of control. But the Strong is Enduring the Right Thing: the Obedience of the Principle. The Experience of Autocrator is Knowledge that Surpasses All.
His Majesty is the one who feels the most and who loves the most. If things revolve around the Autocrat the World is Perfect For All. Because he loves like no one else and Protects what he Loves. The King Protects His World. His Majesty is the Super Human and the Meaning of the Earth.
The Autocrat asks for little and if this is Honored He Gives EVERYTHING. He does not come to impose the will that is inferior and restricting, but He comes to Motivate in the Being the Infinite Ascent of His Power. One who ventures to make criticism against Autocrator is a criminal. Because it is someone infested by hubris and the beginning of evil. It is an invasion attempt against our world. He serves the Enemy. The Power of Autocrator comes from his self-regulation that only His Mind Can Perform. Autocrator is Self-Contained Authority. Holding a different agenda than the Zarathustrian Kingdom is to be a puppet of the Enemy.
All those who witness insults against the Principle should unsheathe the sword against those responsible. In prisons of mighty bars must the enemies of Autocrator and the Zarathustrian Kingdom reside.
Confutatis Maledictis: the Evil Confined According to Prophecy. So their attacks against Heaven are no more. The Day After Tomorrow Life Is Above gold. The Will of Autocrator must be followed unconditionally to the point of unhesitatingly give life. The Zarathustrian Warrior does not seek personal salvation when dying, his salvation is that his Life Built the KINGDOM. Zarathustrians Live Through the Triumph of the REALM. Pay attention! Do you see not you are being called to the service of the King which is the Service to Life? For putting everything in the hands of the Judge is the welfare of all those who believe in Him. He is the Savior of Nobility. Put everything in the hands of Iudex. For Society to be Ruled by Celestial Ideals. Do you see not the King is the one who defeated the Midnight? From Deep Sleep He has Awakened us! To introduce us to True Life! No higher Honor than to give the life one has for the Supreme Life. Under this Principle we are born and we die. The Sacrifice for the Highest Life is the Triumph of the Sacrificed. For thousands of years thousands have been willing to sacrifice for their kings and gods for delivering the integrity of life to that Supreme Force is the Meaning. Another thing taught Modernism: work for the bourgeois. Without Meaning, all lived in depression. Too many wanted to die because the life they carried seemed absurd. Because they are not supposed to be living absurd lives but to be giving their lives for the WORK. The way in which the Superior Understands the World and the way in which the lower believed the world to be. The Superior is the Meaning. The Service to the King fills one of Honor and a Flame of Vitality that is so great everything is redeemed and cleansed: Everything Has Meaning. The Service to the King is the Original Life. The Happiness of the King is the Happiness of Everyone. For if He is good He Creates Pyramids, Lakes, Gardens, Temples, Towers and Households For His People. Building the King is building the institution that is the Force Originating Life. When the Crown of Holiness is Strengthened Life as a Whole Has Triumphed. This is what is Zarathustrian. This Hierarchy is in the Blood, this means that if the King was absent no one else becomes King if that someone is not carrier of the Natural Rank. Thus the world being left without defense against the evil.
