
Posts uit juli, 2013 tonen

hackers show how to hack a car with use off a laptop enjoy

there are more than 60 alien races in this milkyway

There are over 60 races in our local Milky Way galaxy. Those being humanoid from Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Lyra, Antares, and many other star systems, planets, and galaxies such as Andromeda. You have to look at the ev ... idence instead of plugging your eyes and ears in light of hundreds of military eyewitnesses to extraterrestrial craft, and mental communications as well as physical evidence such as crop circles, downed E.T spacecraft and living and dead E.T. bodies. There are names of over 400 military and intelligence professionals from more than a dozen countries, including pilots, radar operators, astronauts from multiple countries, all who are willing to testify under oath to their experience of an extra terrestrial intelligence interacting with Earth for this entire time, although recently Earth is an a quarantine of non-interference until the governments publicly acknowledge E.T. existence. Spread it. enjoy

HAARP closed check

who controls the global economy ceck it out

next generation unmannet drones enjoy

the secret life off uri geller enjoy

censorship is not the selution

there is more to explore in this universe than that many people believe WAKE UP OPEN YOUR EYES THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX

everything is possible

Our Universe is Composing of 68% Dark energy , 27% Dark matter and 5% what we see is only 95% is hidden from us..this is the reason why i always says that we should not consider our earth as just a flat planet with nothing possible here.. what we are seeing is not the real face of our earth.. multiple dimensions.. multiverse.. anything is possible

conspirancy theorist

Conspiracy theorists are considered as fanatics by this World..But the truth is that without conspiracy theorists, some truth will not come into light..dirty face of governments will not come into light..there are lot of unbelievable conspiracy theories in this history which had came true..9/11 attack,illuminati&new world order are another conspiracy theories which is going to get proven in called intelligent skeptics cant do anything revolutionary in this world..but conspiracy theorists can

zombie survival car

nice to shoot and ram gov shit with fuck the system

satanist kills his mom,0,5115380.story haha enjoy hail satan mom was bullshitting to him proberly

founder off best gore arestet enjoy you can find the best gore site on horror and scifi page here on my blog this is the opinion off mark there is no free speech and to much censorship in this fucking world fuck you to the ones that arestet mark fuck censorhip

americas 2de revolutionary war enjoy

shooting drones is iligal but you can get a licence for it for 25 dolars a year you can hunt drones i want a licence like that haha

alex jones dubsteb enjoy

anarchist cookbook 2000 free download enjoy

tortilla tool  anti nsa survilance ecryption enjoy

interveiw with gg allin in prison 1991 verry intresting he is talking about evil satan paranormal about the evil system verry verry good interview

gg allin 20 years off his dead special check it out

jason voorhees mask

something nice to put on iff you want to kill gov people cops your biggest enemy ore fucking bullys ore your parrents if they complain to mutch ore keep you down

edward snowden reveals ufo documents with verry intresting news in it we not gonna win a war against aliens theare tech is to advanced i hope the best

black horizon

i wanna work together with aliens for new tech and hybrith sceince

docu about area 51 / keche foundation site ceck it out this site is about super tech and the docu is one off the best docus about area51 i ever saw

intresting info about the deep web

We are used to believe that what we see represents the ultimate truth. But, in many cases, what we see is only the tip of the iceberg, the bigger part being hidden or hard to discover. Such is the case with the Internet, or the Web. For many out there, the Internet’s main piece is represented by Google and other search engines, as these are the main tools to obtain information from various websites. What we know about the Internet is what website or database owners allow us to know. This is known and referred to as the Surface Web and represents that part of the web that is indexed by search engines. What doesn’t get indexed because its owners want to keep the information private and discrete is called the Deep Web (other synonyms: Deepnet, Invisible Web, Undernet, Hidden Web) and it actually represents the bigger part of the iceberg. What we know and see is only its tip. The Deep and Invisible Web One of the most interesting definitions for the Invisible Web comes from Mike Bergm

alien scientist a youtube about alien technoligy and conspiracy theorys verry intresting

deep web (sites with drugs,weapons,hitmans) enjoy

horrorcore fucking creepy hiphop FUCK THE MAINSTREAM BITCHEZ