killing is not a sin its pure nature

You are given the chance to murder, get away wth it scott free...would you? YES

Only you and your conscience are the witnesses. How would you know you could handle the stress and outright horror that you took a human life? Its not that dramatic most people can live with it carefree and others have small difficulty's but with them they mature or grow to enjoy it or they get a feeling of empowerment very few have a consciousness that deliberately murder for any reason you just don't want to get caught you could care less about a corpse and its even easier if you don't know the person or its a justifiable murder . You see most of the time you leave your body the act is done like any other immoral thing like stealing , the first time you fear for yourself but then realise your unnoticed like a thief who gets away with a petty crime , the second time its less ruff psychologically and emotionally because your paranoia levels are comfortable you don't think about the act so much its deafness you feel nothing it goes beyond the mere cognitive awareness you just think of your survival , then you just do it because its like a job one kill because the same you get used to the death throws and numb its never the same again it's monotone if you live you must also understand you will die in what manner or at who's hands it's up to God .
killing any body is not hard-- anyone can be a homicidal manic but it takes a real artistry that mark the murders apart , there is a beautiful serenity of absolute restless release and power in killing ,it's a beautiful act of mercy in some circumstances and justice in other's like kissing a rattlesnake and it biting you on the lip without injecting poison yet you inject this deadly animal with your own poison and watch its eyes dissolve into a hazy sleep which you can contently know it will never wake up from and you know in those last moments of life you stood in its eyes as a vision of God Knifes all shapes and sizes , Guns, rope, fire , acid , even a Rock ,there nothing more than a aid a simple instrument to propel the intended victim to a never waking sleep .Death is a silent melody and the murder is a composer and player of it's music – the pleadings for mercy are deafening screams for a life that is pre destined to die at the murders hands the manner in which there killed is fated already that bullet was specifically made for them , that rope crafted for there neck that knife existed to be injected it there chest, head, face, back, arms , neck, eye ball or legs its a tapestry made of torn flesh , broken bones and blood and the murder is simply a weaver making a depiction of there death –it's not a evil to have the ability , willingness and achievement of killing – people like to throw the morality game into your mind but really murder is not the worst crime , it's not even a violation against morality it's simply a natural mechanism of nature that any person can induce. Murder in its raw bloody brutality is nothing more than sensual , thrilling, hart stopping rough sexual excitement . All the products of society's morality are styled representations or repression and self denial, society forces its morality on other's but everyone should reconstruct the moral edifice to match there true nature we as humans are divine animals, so why restrict or suppresses a true divine nature to be animalistic and absolutely free in our rage, greed, blood lust , hatred , vengeance , all these are organic emotions – so why restrict expressing it in actions that for the most part are already pre determined , fated and absolutist in harmony with in the human soul and so our nature, our ability's
I think people make the idea of murder far greater than the reality , it's grim but depending how you murder its not dramatic there is a catharsis in killing . Eventually you get old and the job wears you out and you grow up and mellow out . Murder is not for everyone I know people that committed suicide and I don't think the murder tipped them over the edge I think they where already in a state of chose mentally and snapped and the greatest murder is to kill oneself .

It is a given that you face no ramifications besides what your brain puts you through. Do you still commit the murder? YES

Either for the lulz, to know what it feels like and can add to your 'to do before I die' list or whatever reason, do you proceed? Of course I proceed , why not? I would not have a to do list unless im intrusted to its never personal .

I hope that took the curiosity out of the question
