the jewich fuck system

In their 4000ish year legacy they've literally been hated by every culture (even in the ancient far east) and at one time or another have been kicked out & banished from 170-ish countries throughout history. This all can't be mere coincidence.

I finished reading Kevin Macdonald's "The Culture of Critique" series recently, he examines the Jewish history through an Evolutionary Psychology perspective. Essentially Jewish people band together and work together for the Jewish guild, often at the expense of other cultures, this creates resistance in the out-groups (non-Jewish society) who mobilize against the Jewish centered control, thus creating a feedback-loop, forcing Jews to band together even tighter & work together even closer than before. They force themselves into victimhood, using their manufactured plight to engineer cultures off on one another, through the mechanism of the monetary system & media, effectively weakening all non-Jewish society, and in the process strengthen their control.

They literally are an ethnocentric tribalistic cult, a racial-religious-political network that permeates throughout every aspect of society, media, government, legal system, etc etc etc.

Now, I don't hate all Jews just for being Jews mind you, as all of this is just human nature unfolding – Jewishness is a passive ethnocentric group-strategy that one is born into. I'm more elaborating on the elite Zionist guild who exploits common Jews and uses them as a political weapon. Jewish intellectuals throughout history who take the whole "chosen people" shit seriously, openly wrote essays & books about their superiority and how they were entitled to "domesticate" all other peoples. They would literally battle-plan amongst one another on how to play cultures off on one another to systematically weaken every non-Jewish society.

It's pretty wild, the more you study the Jews, it gets so deep it begins to turn into /spooky/-tier shit.

Here's a trivial example, the Warburg banking dynasty.
Literally, even in mainstream history books it's well known, Paul Warburg lobbied for and leveraged the founding of the US Federal Reserve and his brother Max Warburg stayed in Germany and served as a chair on the Nazi Reichsbank and financed it's beginnings. Now, keep in mind, compared to the Rothschilds, The Warburgs were a mid-tier Jewish banking family.

Consider this Mafia of bankers who have been in positions of power for thousands of years, they guard their genetic line through marriage ritual, and their entire cult (Judaism) is completely predicated upon & obsessed with preserving their genetic line. Jews have an inherently unique identity that transcends mere skin color, the way Jewishness is passed along generations means that they can effectively merge with other nationalities and still maintain their Jewish identity (British Jews, German Jews, Italian Jews, etc etc). In this way Jews are passively unified with one another at all times just by merit of their Jewishness and when push comes to shove they will always work together for their own collective security. We see countless examples of this throughout history it's well documented, just read the series I recommended.
