
Posts uit oktober, 2014 tonen

Part 2 - Nikolas Schreck Interviewed by TLB Radio on The Manson File: My...


Mud Bogging at Perkins (EXTENDED) June 2013




The Antichrist & Hidden Occult Secrets of Hitler - HD 2013 FEATURE FILM


Nikolas Schreck Interviewed on Nightwatch Radio 4.16. 2013


Radio Werewolf on Race and Reason (Full Video Segment)


Charles Manson Superstar: REDUX (2012) (Complete Film)


Nikolas Schreck Interano Radio Interview About Charles Manson (1989)


Nazi Interviews Satanic Goth Band, Radio Werewolf, Pt. 2


Nazi Interviews Satanic Goth Band, Radio Werewolf, Pt 1


GG covers Charlie Manson's "Garbage Dump"


the truth about jesus christ

Many of you who visit this website know the facts regarding the Nazarene being a fictitious Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Above all the Nazarene is a diversion and distraction to keep humanity from advancing spirituality, from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of "Jesus" was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy [Serpent of Satan], and what is known as the "vril" "chi" "life-force" and "witchpower." Truth be known, one saves one's own soul through advancing spiritually, and activating this power. The Nazarene is a deterrent to this and keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, and keeps humanity enslaved through living a totally material existence. Christians cannot argue, as they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it. How many Christian preachers/priests can diagram th

3 spooky places

Thunderdome Cocaina


Shipibo Icaros from Ayahuasca Ceremonies, Shaman Chants from the Amazon ...


ICAROS Ayahuasca, Cantos for travel in Ayahuasca ceremonies, アヤフアスカ


free your mind


fuck the braindead zombies with there smartphone

tonight was amazing night the blood moon was so beautiful to look at. i feel sorry for the teens who think their phones r more import ant that they cant stop texting long enough to look up at the moon it saddens me to think the parents today will allow their kids to go on so uncultured school wont teach them the thing they need to learn they wont see the world as a beautiful creature not like some while watch i saw at least 6 kinds going to the bus and they where staring down at their phones like mindless zombies..seriously parents what r u teaching ur kinds? i say all electronics should be taken away a month take ur kids camping for one month teach the real way of living without make up hair straighteners iphones and computers then maybe when the next blood moon comes around u will have ur kids excited over that and not about a text message or hair products or the new video games...sadly no one will really read this and if they do they like and move on.. when parents u n

the jewich fuck system

In their 4000ish year legacy they've literally been hated by every culture (even in the ancient far east) and at one time or another have been kicked out & banished from 170-ish countries throughout history. This all can't be mere coincidence. I finished reading Kevin Macdonald's "The Culture of Critique" series recently, he examines the Jewish history through an Evolutionary Psychology perspective. Essentially Jewish people band together and work together for the Jewish guild, often at the expense of other cultures, this creates resistance in the out-groups (non-Jewish society) who mobilize against the Jewish centered control, thus creating a feedback-loop, forcing Jews to band together even tighter & work together even closer than before. They force themselves into victimhood, using their manufactured plight to engineer cultures off on one another, through the mechanism of the monetary system & media, effectively weakening all non-Jewish


For those who don't know, MK Ultra is the codename for a huge series of experiments carried out by the CIA from the late fifties to the early seventies. It is terrifying in its scope, brutality, and secrecy. According to wikipedia, 44 universities, 15 research foundations, 12 hospitals, and three prisons are known to have participated in MK Ultra. This is not even counting whatever secret or facilities participated; And considering that the CIA frequently set up front organizations to carry out experiments associated with the project, its likely that the real numbers are much higher. Estimates of the number of people affected by it and its sister projects range from tens of thousands to a million people. Although volunteers were used for many of the more benign experiments, it is a matter of great social concern that many of the subjects used for darker purposes were often, allegedly, kidnapped American and Canadian citizens, and even children. The purpose of

fuck parents


Sonic Youth - Goo (full album)


human nature by charles manson


Ghost Gunner
